Sunday, April 16, 2006

My Mum is staying on the Coast for a bit of a break over Easter. It's good to catch up with some of my brothers and sisters while she is here, we love to throw around stories from our childhood, which I have to say was a very happy one indeed. My youngest brother recently told a tale that I loved...He says it was the day he knew that I had "made it". We were a really poor family with seven kids and Dad on a minimum wage. Our clothes were all home made or hand me downs and although we ate very well as my mum was an excellent cook, the budget didn't extend to certain luxuries. When I was fourteen I got a part time job working at the little corner store. After my first week there I received my very first wages...I can't remember how much it was but it wouldn't have been much. With it I bought a bottle of coke and a packet of bacon. My brother says he will never forget how I walked through the front door and announced "I have bacon!" (We never had bacon). He then tells how he and my younger sister sat up on stools in the kitchen and watched as I cooked the bacon in the frypan, the whole packet. He says he had never smelt anything so good. They then followed me to the kitchen table and watched as I ate every last piece, washed down with the entire bottle of coke. Although my brother was only ten at the time he says he remembers feeling immensely proud...he thought that anyone who could buy a packet of bacon had definately done well for themselves and that's why he didn't ask for was my moment. I thought it was such a sweet story...then I told the one about the time I found him in the cubby house with his tool kit playing doctors with the little girls from across the road....forty years old and it still embarrasses the hell out of him!


t is for trackles said...

This is gorgeous Bev! I will be reading this one regularly, you are soooo funny, Emily is soooo cute and you are such a talented scrapper, I'm proud to be on the Team with you!

Anonymous said...

All i can say is You dont really know what you missed out on, You never wore your CURTAINS!! lol..