Saturday, April 22, 2006

Don't know about you guys but I will be glad when the Easter eggs are all gone. Every corner of my house is littered with foil paper but no one is owning up to them. I feel like all I do all day is pick up after everyone. I am going to screw towel racks to the floor because thats where all the towels end up and instead of folding the washing I am going to roll everything into balls and chuck it in the corner because again, that's where most things end up. While I am at it I will have a shower and drop the washer, razor and cake of soap on the floor to meld into a soggy mess, make a sandwich and leave crumbs and scraps of ham on the bench......and then (I am on a roll here) I will fill the kitchen bin till it is piled up like the leaning tower of Pizza and still try to cram more in. I am going to read the newspaper and leave black fingerprints on the handle of the fridge, all the cupboard doors and the table and then I will get the empty toilet roll cylinder and shove it on the handle of the damn toilet brush. While I am at it (betcha wish you hadn't got me started) I will make a coffee and spill sugar everywhere and leave half a dozen brown cup rings on the bench. I'll leave the lid off the biscuit jar so the biscuits can go all soggy, leave the screen doors all open to let the flies in and when Martin comes home after work and asks what I have been doing all day I can tell him to go to buggary!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Feel better Bev!!!!!!?????? I think we can all relate to most of that (plus a few more) and wspecially the coffee rings AND the drips all up the hall to his bedroom- DS

Anonymous said...

I can totally relate with you here Bev!! What about the dining table with all the junk left on it- I'd love mine just to have a nice bunch of flowers on!! Hang in there you are not alone!!

Robyn said...

Oh boy were you at my place???? actually there are a few changes like...hello the toilet roll is empty how about changing it! At least yours gets off the toilet roll hanger thingy and onto the door knob!
I hope today is a better day!

Deb said...

Oh Bev this so sounds like our house, 'cause if I don't do it it don't get done .. iykwim .. oh well.

Susan C said...

I was going to say that I agree with all you said, then I realised that I actually live with a neat freak who will wipe up spilled sugar crystals - while I am still trying to make coffee, who will take out the rubbish - as I am still producing rubbish while cooking dinner. Still, I love him and at least he does it.

Now can I teach him to fold laundry...hmmmnn????

Chrissy said...

LOL bet you feel better now!! It's just so true isn't it?! The other day I cracked when I went into the loo and with 3 boys in the house you can probably see where I'm heading with this!! No, it wasn't any of THEM, well it sure as eggs *couldn't* have been ME! Argh!

DenimAngel said...

ROFLOL I have the same housemates lol except my back security door is shut but the screens have been removed by an unnamed but rather small housemate, you can see clearly through each diamond. Thought I was getting through with help the other day when dh folded but no I waited nearly a week but they didn't get put away (you might miss the cricket if you actually leave the room to put things away).

Anonymous said...


Mish said...

Since when did you move into my house???

Deb said...

I think this is a problem Australiawide. I can soooo relate.

TD xoxox