At the tender age of 55 my sister-in-law has just got her drivers licence. Not that she is a novice-she has been driving without one for thirty-five years! Naughty naughty naughty!!!
At least she drives with confidence, not like little old me..I am the queen of driving phobias both as a driver and passenger. I do not drive on highways, I do not overtake under any circumstances, I do not drive over big bridges...the list goes on. That is why I will never be able to have a fight with Wendie or I won't be able to go to SWIG. (We take my car but she drives.). Martin gets annoyed if I ever have to drive him somewhere as he reckons we take the scenic route via Darwin becauseI avoid scary roundabouts and busy roads. He gets even more annoyed when I am the passenger because I am the back seat driver from hell!
Congrats to your SIL Bev, how exciting for her to now be 'legal'.. Did she get her 'proof of age card' to get into nightclubs/pubs legally... lol
(or is that just something we use to do???)
Is there a reason behind your phobia of driving, etc???
I get into trouble for driving too far 'out of town'!!!! (can't put too many klms on the vehicle now!!!) HUH!!!!! What he doesn't know doesn't hurt him... lol
Great blog too, btw...
Well done to your sis for getting her DL, that's a great pic too!
Sorry to see hear about the car, and if you'd heard me as we were going up that windy mountain road on the weekend I think I could rival you for the "backseat driver" award!! LOL
Chrissy xx
ROFL re SIL's licence... what sparked the desire to be legal?
Here's another phobia for you...I hate having to put my car UNDER bridges when I am stuck in traffic... You might think it would never collapse and I'm being a bit dopey, but in Melbourne there was a guy who had a bridge collapse on his car, and he lived because he had a plan for what to do if a bridge collapsed on his car (and it worked), so anyway, the thing is, I am paranoid now of being under bridges!
Oh wow ..well better late than never! LOl
Hey that's me Bev. I never drive to SWIG and even though I'm not bad just scared, the first time I drove my eldest two to pre-school on of them took a long sigh and said "I can breath now, we're alive" as we pulled in the driveway lol. I never drive dh anywhere, he drives himself and then I drive the car back home after he gets out lol.
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