Mum is staying at my place tonight. This afternoon she asked if she could ring my nephew Cody and leave a message for his Mum. She didn't realize Ebony was already using the cordless phone in her room at the time. Conversation as follows..
Mum: Hello is that you Cody?
Ebony: No its Ebony
Mum: Does your mother know you are there, its nearly dark?
Ebony: Yeah she knows
Mum: Could you please put Cody on?
Ebony: Cody isnt here
Mum: Ok , I will call again later
Tuesday night her favourite show is on... Dancing With The Stars. Martin was very gracious and sacrificed his usual shows so she could watch it...I can't believe he sat through the whole program! She also sat in his recliner so she could rest her cup of tea on the coffe table beside it, so he had to sit on the other recliner which is rarely used and doesn't have the comfortable bum groove it has taken him ten years to mould.
Haley will come for a visit tomorrow so Emily can catch up with Great Grandma. Mum has 15 grand children and 18 great grandchildren so I am guessing it will take Mum all day to get her name right..she has been calling me Jen all day!
I forgot to mention that Chrissy and Tess helped me get music on my BLOG. This is Ebony's favourite song and since she won't let me put her picture on here, I figured it could be her contribution. She plays in over and over in her room, I should be well and truly over it