I am really looking forward to my weekend away at SWIG, I have had just about as much as I can take of preteen moodiness, Mr Grumpy dh who is working long hours and needs to chill out and that damn swimming pool. I hadn't even so much as vacuumed it since February (shocking I know) but despite the neglect it was looking pretty good. However guilt got the better of me and I gave it a thorough clean and added all sorts of chemicals and with fifteen minutes the water turned black??????????? I do vaguely remember the pool guy once telling me not to add blah blah the same time I add blah blah... I really need to pay more attention to detail. Its dark when Martin gets home from work so he hasnt noticed yet...no doubt he will over the weekend lol. If I was any kind of mother and wife I would have pre prepared meals for the crew for while I am away however I took the easy way out and stuck a pizza hut menu on the fridge....No use relying on Haley to cook while I am gone...she is bad...very very bad....she cooked vegetable soup the other day and asked to taste it and see what it needed...I told her she needed to throw it out lol...She also uses so much detergent when she washes the dishes, if you go to get a glass of water from the tap you end up with a glassful of bubbles.....however she is the queen of clean, my carpets get vacuumed to within an inch of its life everyday!
Anyway, off to pack for my big weekend, hope to have some news when I get back!
Love the papering story and the pool one! Sorry it was the blah, blah part..I tune out too and regret it later!Poor DH when he sees it this weekend...you could always say it was fine before you left!!!! LOL Have fun at SWIG! Say hi to everyone for me please.
Oh yes I can relate to this... I should know how to rebuild a tractor, cause I hear it every night, and what part this is, showing me a strange metal contraption... I have told you before... Yeh Yeh! What did you say... write it down if you want me to remember or take note...LOL
I hope your pool clears soon Bev, and you have a great weekend away at SWIG.... yes I am green with envy!
What's your news when you get back??? hhmmmm interesting??!!
Have a great weekend away at SWIG, just what you need!! :o)
Can't wait to see the toilet paper photo scrapped...
lilly is doing the same thing atm but i never thought to take a picture
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