I got my camera out yesterday to get some photos of Emily to send to her Daddy in Western Australia and most of them ended up looking like this lol....she is such a ham now and it's hard to get a sensible one of her. She was very excited to get a parcel off her Dad today (after an excrutiating one week wait). Two tshirts from somewhere along the Nullabour, A toy camel and some fairy books. Joe got a job a couple of days after arriving in WA...a storeman in a heavy equipment plant....he hates it but unfortunately all his health and safety tickets, heavy machinery tickets and even his truck driving learners permit are all invalid in that state so he has to sit for them all over again... I dont think its as easy as he thought it was going to be. It's hard on Haley too, I know she is bored out of her brain , her and jo always used to go out to dinner and fishing and stuff so she is missing all of that. I am trying to give her a bit of a break while she is here so she can rest up, she is always tired and has been having a lot of aches and pains with this pregnancy. Miss Emily is a very entertaining house guest and always has us in fits of laughter with her goings on. She loves the fact that Pop comes home every day with blood on him somewhere from knocking himself around at work. Out comes the doctors bag and she gives him a needle and puts a bandage on his sore. Its been a while since we have had a little person in the house, I had forgotten what it was like to here those magic words....I have finished Nanny, come and wipe my bum...if Mum goes to do it she says, No Nanny will do it...lucky me!
Ebony came home from school today with a detention slip I had to sign..Late for class again, so ten minutes detention for every five minutes she was late....she was not happy about giving up her luch hour tomorrow and thought I might write her a note to get her out of it...she thought wrong!
Jody is coming over tomorrow night to get our BAS done and catch up on the bookwork...it seems this is beyond me, I cant even file things properly so I will get to help her by stapling...it is the only job she trusts me with. She is right too, I faxed some job sheets through for Martin the other day and also sent notes for my online class and a few other bits and pieces.
Tomorrow I have to clean the pool, I havent done it for months....its just no fun in winter... I have to wonder what mishap awaits me...will I fall in when I lean over too far to scoop leaves??? Will I whack myself in the head with the pole??? Will I spill hydrochloric acid on my foot (sorry I cant believe Martin trusts me with hydrochloric acid!) .....Then I will have to give some thought to my costume for the western theme at SWIG..I have something in mind so I will have to check out a certain shop tomorrow...
Boy that was a boring post, I will try to do better next time lol
ROFL nah Bev, never boring!! *giggle*
Be careful cleaning that pool, geez even I've fallen into ours, fully clothed,ugh,wasn't pretty, kids and Michael thought it was hilarious! Hmmmm! LOL
Cuddles to Dr Em, what a crackup she is! :D
Chrissy xx
Love the fact that you have hoodwinked the lot of them about BAS..way to go girl! Never let on you can do more than you can or you'll be stuck with it forever! LOL Well that's the way I see it anyway!
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