Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Well this baby is two days overdue!!!! I asked.....no begged Haley for a photo as she hasnt let me take any pictures while she has been pregnant....all I got was a heap of her being really stupid...trust me this is the best one...she is so naughty! Jo arrived back here an hour or so ago and he has just taken Haley and Emily for a brisk walk...if that doesnt work I will get her to mow the lawn...only kidding!!! At lunch time she was getting a few nigglies, so who knows..it may be soon, I will keep you all posted!


Susan C said...

She is so tiny - are you sure she is overdue? Fingers crossed it happens soon.

Shazz said...

good luck to haley bev. i hope it happens for her soon.
and for you too - DH tells me that overdue pregnant women are unbearable to be around (i was 15 days over with DS2 & 16 days over with DD)
looking forward to some pics very soon


Chrissy said...

She looks so teeny for someone overdue Bev, just beautiful too! What a funny face LOL you know there's always photoshop for naughty children who won't let their mums take piccies, even if they are big "kids"!! ;-)