Things are improving with the whole "I was here first" scenario and I have witnessed some sweet moments with Emily and her baby sister. I even saw her share one of her toys today...granted, it was one of her scabbiest ones but hey, it's a start! The fact that Ella usually winds up around four o'clock is an inconvenience as thats when Playschool is on...Emily sits there with the remote control turning the tv up louder and louder till I can't hear myself think! I had forgotten what an upheaval it is having a newborn in the house...everywhere you look there is prams, rockers, baby baths and nappies along with Emily's blocks and Barbies...how I haven't broken my neck yet is a miracle, it's like walking through a mine field..you don't know what pain is until you step on a piece of Lego or a Barbie high heeled boot with bare feet....and talking of feet I got stung on the toe by a bee yesterday and Holy clappers it stung like hell...I used every swear word I knew which did nothing for the pain but amused everyone who witnessed the incident....My whole foot is swollen like a balloon and itchy like you wouldn't believe...however getting stung on the toe is nowhere near as bad as the sting I got last year when I sat on on a bee and it got me right where babies come from...try scratching that in public without getting weird looks!
That's all from me for now , the novelty of uploading pictures of the grandies is bound to wear off soon...HA!!
oh bev you poor thing. i am highly allergic to bees so i am glad it was your toe and not mine.
and i must not visit your blog at this ungodly hour either (it's about 4 a.m.) cause i almost wet myself trying not to laugh at your tales.
hope the itching subsides soon
What a sweet photo. Bummer about the bee, at least it is somewhere you can scratch.
this is just precious
isnt the whole being a big sister and sharing parents and nanna so much fun...lilly is still learning to cope with emily after 10 weeks
oh god..you didn't tell us THAT story at the weekend..OMG i am nearly peeing myself AGAIN...
Nah Bev those two girls are waaaay too cute not to keep taking and sharing pics!! Your grandies are just so adorable love!!
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