What a week I have had!! Ebony missed the last week of school (and three of her exams) because she was very ill with a urinary tract infection...Had to call a doctor to the house at 3 am as she was in so much pain she couldnt walk or sit. She cried with pain for three days until her test results came back and she was started on antibiotics...Thankfully they kicked in almost immediately and within three days she was pain free. I have to tell you it wasn't before time, she is a dreadful patient...Everytime I tried to help her I got screamed at in a psychotic fashion and my nerves were wearing thin. Her recovery came just in time for her birthday sleepover on Saturday night...8 thirteen year old girls in our garage for movie marathon...They ate a mountain of food, went swimming in the dark and giggled well into the night...in the morning after a bacon and egg breakfast they began a one and a half hour marathon of applying eyeliner and straightenng their hair before they went back into the garage for more movies. I was expecting the worst but they were all well behaved, no dramas!
Based on my past week I have prepared a little quiz for you
1. Your thirteen year old daughter asks if she can have twenty dollars to go to the movies...you tell her she can if she cleans up her room...she gives you the death look, stomps to her room and slams the door muttering something under her breath...do you
a) Smile sweetly and marvel at how fast she is growing
b) Reef open the door and demand to know what she just said about you
c) Give her the 20 bucks and hope the movie goes all day
2. Husband rings from work and says he will be home late. You ask what he would like for tea and he replies...don't worry about me, I'll have something on toast when I get home. You serve him something on toast and he says "What's this crap?" Do you
a) smile sweetly and tell him its baked beans
b) Hope he chokes on it
c) Serve baked beans on toast for the remainder of the week
3. Your three year old grandaughter asks if you will sit and watch Hi-5 Space Magic for the tenth time today. Do you
a) smile sweetly and sit and watch it for the eleventh time
b) Tell her the DVD player is broken
c) Tell her Pop will watch it after he has had his baked beans
4. There are some new scrapping things you really really really have to have but the budget just won't stretch that far. Do you
a) Smile sweetly and do without because you are grateful for the supplies you already have
b) scrimp on the groceries to stash a bit of cash away to save for them
c) Buy them on your credit card and tell your husband you won them in a raffle
5. You have gained a heap of weight and none of your clothes fit. Do you
a) smile sweetly and be grateful you at least have your health
b) go and buy clothes in the next size up and cut the labels off
c) wear your tight clothes and think evil thoughts every time you pass a skinny person
If you answered mostly a's.....you are such a liar, no one is that nice
If you answered mostly b's ...you are bordering on vindictive and you are a tad sneaky....Go girl!
If you answered mostly c's...you are totally normal
Catch you all later!!
oh bev...EVERYONE in my house is now awake because i laughed so hard i woke them up.
you crack me up woman...and thanks for letting me know i am "normal"
you have a great thursday
a) glad DD is on the mend;
b) hope that pink was the correct colour choice for bubs
c) glad you survived the movie marathon madness (you are a braver woman than me)
Haley is one organised mumma, love that row of cute little pink clothes for the new bubs! So exciting! Went shopping with Sue yesterday for bubby clothes and couldn't help but buy some little things! :D
Had the biggest laugh from your quiz, I think I rate "sweet" with some "sneaky" with others LOL and a couple of normals thrown in too! *giggle*
I chose mostly Bs which is a bit of a worry.
What a giggle, you should be paid to write these for a mag lol.
OK hopped on here hoping for some updated news on the new grandbubba's soon to be arrival. You know I'm betting late tonight, or early hours Wednesday morn! LOL
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