The girls arrived home today!! Ella settled well and slept most of the time but I had my fair share of cuddles. Miss Emily is not taking this well at all, within minutes of arriving home she announced in a gleeful voice "hey, I have a good idea...Ella could go and live in Iceland!" Iceland?????????? She must have thought thats a very long way away lol. We have all been trying very hard to give Ella little obvious attention but our efforts still aren't enough for Emily who has turned into a tyrant and is bossing us all around and is generally most annoyed with the latest change in lifestyle. I know she will get over it, its just tough to share the pedestal. Haley took her to the room today and had a bit of a talk to her and said that nothing will change, Mummy and Daddy still love you the same. It really worked too...she announced the room is too squashy and Ellas cot can go in nannys room....too funny it must be hard being three and I have to say even when she is being a bossy boots, Emily is still the apple of my eye...I don't want to get on her wrong side or she will pack me off to Iceland too!!! I will take some pics when a certain someone isn't looking...after all I have lots of scrapping to do!
Aaaaww big hugs to poor Emily! Love the iceland comment and I think it should be scrapped...lol
Give Ella a little hug from me too!
Bev, I can just picture you all packed up heading off to Iceland!! There's always us surrogate aunties as a back up remember! LOL. Seriously, hope it doesn't take too long for her to adjust and become a doting big sister. Cuddles for Emily!
It's a strange thing though, that no matter how many grandies you have, the first one, always seems to have a special bond and a special place in nanna's heart, maybe it's because we put so much into the first one? We love them all so much, it's just something about that first one LOL..Doesn't stop them being ratbags when the others come along though LOL...
That is such a cute pic Bev, just the sweetest little girls! :-)
Poor little darlin, Emily certainly has had lots of super loving and attention from her family and now another little one has come along it must be so hard for her. Won't be long though and she'll stop being a travel agent I'm sure!! ;)
Hugs to you all!
Love Chrissy
congratulations on the arrival of ella bev. she certainly is a cute little thing. (pssst !!! tell emily i think she is cute too)
it does get easier the whole "sibling" thing although i must admit that DS2 called DD "it" for the first 6 months of her life and as far as he was concerned "it" was just visiting and could be given back to woever at the first possible opportunity....ROTFL
looking forward to seeing lots of baby pics scrapped.
p.s. have a great time at the SWIG this weekend - wish i was going.
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