Ebony has been doing work experience at a child care centre all week. She comes home every day with tales of toddlers who she reckons are "psycho" and have tantrums and don't do as they are told...HELLLLOOO...When she was that age she was the queen of tantrums. She would hold her breath till she passed out, she would bite herself and pull her hair out in clumps....and the real show stopper was being able to vomit on demand...which meant if we were shopping and she wanted a toy and I said no...she would vomit...not just a little chuck but a huge dramatic chunder followed by choking. (The paediatrician told me very few children mastered that magic trick-lucky me!)
School holidays start here tomorrow, yippeee...not! Back in the good old days when the business was doing well and money wasn't an issue we could whip out the cash and shout Eb and a friend to Movie World or Dream world...but I am afraid these holidays we will be waiting for Cheap Tuesdays at the video shop for the $1 movies. I no doubt will have the boyfriend Zac (Eb's boyfriend not mine) for most of the holidays...but he is very pleasant, polite and helpful so he's no bother...in fact he is so nice sometimes I feel like keeping him...because he doesn't get PMT.
I am off to buy nit shampoo tomorrow.. a little souvenir from the childcare cantre...Ebony is scratching like mad so I am guessing we will find critters...It has been years since we have had to go through that dreadful daily ritual...from grade one to grade five it was almost a daily occurance..except in the school holdays when we would have a few weeks of nit free bliss. Those little buggars can be quite resiliant, I swear you could almost see them doing backstroke in the shampoo foam...I am surprised Ebony hasn't burnt them alive with her hair straightener...and those of you with teenage girls will know all about the hair straightening ritual. Ebonys end of the house always has the lingering aroma of singed hair.
It's been a while since I have done a quiz so I reckon I should put you all to the test
1. It's 9pm and everyone else is in bed...you are feeling a bit peckish so you head to the kitchen for a snack..do you choose
A. a few rice crackers and a glass of water
B. a cup of coffee and just one biscuit
c. a cup of coffee and nearly half a packet of biscuits
2. You put on your jeans and for some reason they don't even go close to doing up . Do you
A. Resign yourself to the fact that you have put on weight.
B. Accuse someone of shrinking them in the clothes dryer
C. Figure that if the jeans dont fit anyway you may as well eat the second half of the packet of biscuits
3. You have just finished a 9 hour shift at work and the grand kids come for a visit and want you to play. Do you
A. Go out the back and play a vigorous game of catchy
B. Tell them you will play doctors...and that you are too sick to get off the couch so they will have to come and make you better
C. Tell them Pop needs their help outside washing the ute.
4. It's the tenth call today from a pesky tellemarketer. Do you
A. Buy whatever the hell it is they are trying to flog
B. Politely decline their offer
C. Ask them what time they will be cooking dinner and when they ask why...say " so I can bloody ring you when you are in the middle of doing something"
5. Your teenager asks if you can buy them a $600 iphone. Do you
A. Say yeah sure and buy it
B. Tell them that it is an expensive item and that perhaps they should look for a little part time job and save up for one
C. Burst out laughing and tell them to rack off.
6. Your mum gives you a really ugly top she bought for you at the op shop. Do you
A. Gush about how beautiful it is and put it on straight away
B. Say 'What a shame it isn't my size but it might fit one of your sisters"
C. Tell your Mum it's crap but Hubby will use it to wash the car.
7. Your husband-when asked -says "Yes..your bum DOES look big in that". Do you
A. Shrug and figure you thought as much
B. Give him the death look and thank him for his opinion
C. Think under your breath " yeah, you baldy headed little fat bastard, you obviously forgot to look in the mirror this morning
If you answerd mostly A's...you are such a liar, no one is that nice
If you answered mostly B's ...I still think you are fibbing a bit...but good for you anyway
If you answered mostly C's...welcome to MY world!
That's all folks I am off for a cofee and half a packet of biscuits
this is so funny Bev.
Only I can't get the biscuits cause the kids have eaten the whole pack in a day, the fat hubby isn't bald just full of himself
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