First weekday of the holidays and somehow, my one kid has turned into four. I have Ebony, her boyfriend, her boyfriends younger brother and her cousin. Todays activity is fishing. If they were expecting Rex Hunt style there was bound to be disappointment. No fancy ugly sticks here, I bought them all a handreel and a packet of prawns and this morning I will be sending them off on the bus with a bottle of cordiol and some sandwiches.
Yesterday we planned a mini family outing to Robina Town Centre with Eb and her boyfriend Zac. I had saved a little money I wanted to buy Eb some track pants and a jumper...(not from Citibeach-her shop of choice ). She was actually very good about buying the stuff from Kmart and Cotton On and for forty dollars she got three pairs of trackies and a hoody. No moaning about the brands, so sulking at all. Lulled me into a false sense of security because usually family outings end with a tanty from Eb, a scolding from me and Martin swearing he will never go anywhere with us ever again. Oh dear, I was soooo wrong...she started about the iphone she wants for her birthday (months away yet). We dragged to all the phone stores to look at this over priced gadget. I told her it was unlikely we could afford it in time for her birthday and that's when the hissy fit started....yes it WAS exensive but if we got in on a plan....I told her plan was out of the question, she tots up phone bills higher than the national debt...the "you are mean" comments started flying along with a big long rant and she stomped off....Martin was oblivious to the whole tirade, he was browsing the butcher shop window...when he came back to me Ebony was missing in busy shopping centre cyber space along with Zac who had gone to look for her. Of course it was my fault because ...well it's always my fault no explanation needed. $%# this Martin says, I am going home. So off he stomps with me running behind. We were almost home when I get a phone call from Ebony asking where we are...when I told her she got really angry and told me it wasn't fair, she didn't stomp off she was just looking in a shop window (yeah right). So yet ANOTHER family day was ruined! As soon as we got home Martin jumped in his truck and drove off like a maniac to go and sulk somewhere and half an hour later Eb and Zac arrived home on the bus....and boy did I give it to her...the talk about grattiude...and how life didn't revolve around her...then I threw in the bit about kids in other countries dying of hunger and they did't whinge about owning iphones-no arguements this time she knew she was in the wrong and went straight up to her room and tidied it up , brought out all her dirty dishes, put her clothes in the laundry basket (the sure sign I knew , she was aware she had done the wrong thing). There are two ways for me to look at this. The first and most obvious is that she is spoilt and ungrateful. The second is that today she is happy to go fishing with a three dollar hand reel and a bottle of cordiol. I know that every weekend she is home playing wii and watching movies out in the garage with her friends...she isn't out smoking bongs, drinking alcohol and getting into trouble with the police....and in about 5 years time she will move out of home and someone else will be putting up with her moodiness. Some of you reading this will be shaking your heads and others will give that knowing nod which means "I know exactly what its like to have a teenager." Lord give me strength-and a double vodka!
I'm with you on this one...I don't have teens just yet, but I see glimpses every now and then of what life will be like, and I am scared!!!
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