Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Things are improving with the whole "I was here first" scenario and I have witnessed some sweet moments with Emily and her baby sister. I even saw her share one of her toys today...granted, it was one of her scabbiest ones but hey, it's a start! The fact that Ella usually winds up around four o'clock is an inconvenience as thats when Playschool is on...Emily sits there with the remote control turning the tv up louder and louder till I can't hear myself think! I had forgotten what an upheaval it is having a newborn in the house...everywhere you look there is prams, rockers, baby baths and nappies along with Emily's blocks and Barbies...how I haven't broken my neck yet is a miracle, it's like walking through a mine field..you don't know what pain is until you step on a piece of Lego or a Barbie high heeled boot with bare feet....and talking of feet I got stung on the toe by a bee yesterday and Holy clappers it stung like hell...I used every swear word I knew which did nothing for the pain but amused everyone who witnessed the incident....My whole foot is swollen like a balloon and itchy like you wouldn't believe...however getting stung on the toe is nowhere near as bad as the sting I got last year when I sat on on a bee and it got me right where babies come from...try scratching that in public without getting weird looks!
That's all from me for now , the novelty of uploading pictures of the grandies is bound to wear off soon...HA!!

Friday, October 13, 2006

The girls arrived home today!! Ella settled well and slept most of the time but I had my fair share of cuddles. Miss Emily is not taking this well at all, within minutes of arriving home she announced in a gleeful voice "hey, I have a good idea...Ella could go and live in Iceland!" Iceland?????????? She must have thought thats a very long way away lol. We have all been trying very hard to give Ella little obvious attention but our efforts still aren't enough for Emily who has turned into a tyrant and is bossing us all around and is generally most annoyed with the latest change in lifestyle. I know she will get over it, its just tough to share the pedestal. Haley took her to the room today and had a bit of a talk to her and said that nothing will change, Mummy and Daddy still love you the same. It really worked too...she announced the room is too squashy and Ellas cot can go in nannys room....too funny it must be hard being three and I have to say even when she is being a bossy boots, Emily is still the apple of my eye...I don't want to get on her wrong side or she will pack me off to Iceland too!!! I will take some pics when a certain someone isn't looking...after all I have lots of scrapping to do!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Here is my beautiful new grand daughter Ella Grace born at 9.27 am on the 11th Oct 2006 weighing 7lb 2 ozs

Jo arrived home from the mines yesterday afternoon and Haley went into labour at 9 o'clock that night...Talk about good timing! They left for the hospital just after 4 am and I was like a caged animal until they rang with the good news.

When Emily woke up I told her that daddy and mummy were at the hospital and she replied "is Ella getting out today?' kinda like a jail break lol. Keeping Em entertained was real work, I cut her toast into squares instead of triangles which was a real big deal and then I couldn't get the DVD player to work and had to call on the kid next door for help....seems I had the remote control; facing the wrong way lol....as the day wore on her anxiety grew because she though Dad wasnt coming back, which was causing tears every five minutes....I stopped at nothing trying to keep her entertained doing my best interpretation of the song Old Man Emu, playing Barbies complete with sassy accents, made a fruit bowl with fruit out of blocks (ever seen a square orange?) sat through Boobah, Wiggles, Blues clues and countless other preschool shows and even let her make her own strawberry quik...more quik than milk.

I thought she would be so pleased when we went to see Mum and the new baby but just after arriving she asked me to take her home..Didn't want to stay with Mum and Dad....Sobbed non stop all the way home, refused to let me read the books that were a gift from baby Ella (mum tried to plan for everything)...She is really out of sorts the poor little buggar.

Jo is not sending her to kindy tomorrow, he is going to take her to TimeZone to whack crabs (some game she loves) and buy a special baby doll so she can have her own baby to look after (My idea, remember that Golden Book "Baby Dear "?rofl)

Haley just rang to tell me they have put Ella in the special care nursery for tonight as she had several episodes of not being able to breathe...they put tubes down her throat to suck out the mucous which is causing the problems and have assured Haley she will be fine.....Haley should try and get a good nights sleep while the baby is being cared for......geez break out the stiff drinks!!

I am babbling I will share more when we are all sane again...thanks everyone for the well wishes...I am going to bed to ready myself for the toast routine tomorrow morning!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Well this baby is two days overdue!!!! I asked.....no begged Haley for a photo as she hasnt let me take any pictures while she has been pregnant....all I got was a heap of her being really stupid...trust me this is the best one...she is so naughty! Jo arrived back here an hour or so ago and he has just taken Haley and Emily for a brisk walk...if that doesnt work I will get her to mow the lawn...only kidding!!! At lunch time she was getting a few nigglies, so who knows..it may be soon, I will keep you all posted!