Friday, September 01, 2006

Many thanks to all those who left birthday greetings over at Aussielayouts!! My big day started with Emily tapping me on my face at 6.30 in the morning saying "here's your present Nanny, its a purse! (she had already let that slip a few days prior). Next was a visit from my sister who also had her birthday today! (We were both born on Sept 1st but 2 years apart). We sort of have a pact that we don't buy each other expensive gifts, so I had embellished a metal tin and filled it with a mud face pack and some pretty hairclips and a few other little trinkets...imagine my embarrassment when she gave me a hairdressing voucher and a bottle of Red Door perfume...aaaarrrggghh! (Do you know at 44 this is the first bottle of perfume I have ever owned!!!!!)My daughter Jodie and her boyfriend Duane came over at 10.30 with a lovely bunch of gerberas (see picture) and a new boomerang pillow and six coffee cups....I suggested those ideas much to Jodies kids think my love of practical things mean I don't have a life lol.
My sil came down from Brisbane and we went to the local tavern and blew 20 bucks each on the pokies (or 20 sheets of Bazzill cardstock as I prefer to think of it!) I asked Martin not to get me anything as I wanted to go to SWIG in October...woohoo!
In the afternoon, Emily came into the lounge room and sang a stirring rendition of Happy Birthday as Haley carried out a mud cake with 4 candles...which I let Emily blow out, cos she's the best at it. Ebony came home after a sleepover at her friends house totally oblivious to the fact it was my big day and asked "what's for tea?" I think Haley must have whispered in her ear because a little while later she came out with a card she had all in all a great day!
I was talking on the phone today to Mum and enquired about her best friend Enid, who is now in a home because she has alzheimers...she is still going strong...Mum has been through some funny experiences with Enid over the last few years let me tell you....Before she was put into the home her husband Ronnie died. The hospital rang Mum as they knew Enid wouldn't be able to comprehend the information. Mum broke the news to her and over the following days made the funeral arrangements and advised people she would have the wake at her house as Enid wouldn't cope with the catering. After the funeral everyone was back at Mums having tea and cake and Enid said to Mum " can we have some music on, this is the most boring bloody birthday party I have ever been to". Mum said no Enid , this is a wake for Ronnie...Enid says did he die?...Mum says yes, sorry love he's gone...Enid says...well he better not have gone to the pub the old bastard!
Last Christmas Mum went to the Home to have Christmas dinner with Enid as she has no family...Enid didn't remember Mum was her friend and went and sat with someone else so Mum sat with some other ladies she knew. After lunch the residents were taken back to their rooms. A nurse came and took Mums arm and said come on love, I will help you to your room. Mum pipes up and tells the nurse "no, I don't live here". The nurse says I know pet, just come with was only when another nurse that knew Mum saw what was happening that she was able to make her escape lol.
I end this post on a serious note .I was so sad to hear that little Rani Millar lost her battle today after putting up such a fight. My thoughts are with Mel, john, Teagan and Joshua. There are just no words at times like these, I send my prayers to them all


Tess said...

ROFL oh bev...just too funny....

Chrissy said...

Oh Bev, that is funny! I often joke if my hubby gets alzhiemers we will never know since he forgets everything now!

t is for trackles said...

Oh Bev, you can make me laugh and cry in only a few sentences! Love the pic of the flowers, and hope you enjoyed your birthday, you OLD thing LOL :)

Love Tracey xx

parkyslot said...

Oh, Bev

Sorry to do this its that Chrissys fault....YOUR TAGGED...

Parky xxxxx