Busy week these last few weeks, Jo flew home from the mines for his first flyout...he loves his new job working at the Osbourne Gold and Copper mine, where he has to travel 8 km underground to start work (too scary!!). They work one week day shift, one week night shift and then fly home for a week. In two weeks he worked 218 hours, boy thats a lot. He cant believe how good they feed him, his favourite meal is at dinner time, a choice of two mains...he has both...maybe a roast dinner and steak and chips, then there is a help yourself desert bar and home made cakes and slices...it was a rude shock when he rocked up here and we were all sick...tea time was a case of whatever you can spread on bread or open with a tin opener. Tonight he rang Haley to tell her after three weeks he has already been promoted to foreman...way to go! Unfortunately Haley has checked his roster and he wont be home for Fathers Day, the due date of the baby, Christmas Day, her birthday, his birthday or New Years Eve...however he will be home the weekend of SWIG...I feel a bit guilty about that lol.
Emily had a lovely day of dress ups the other day with her Aunty Jemma who is six months older than her...how weird is that...Jo's mum had a eighteen year break and then had 2 more little girls (Aunty Jordy is a year younger than Emily!)
Tonight she waltzed into the loungeroom with a piece of wrapping paper and some ribbon....I asked her what she had been doing and she replied..."wrapping the car cleaning set we bought for Pop for Fathers Day and the purse we bought for your birthday but dont tell anyone cos its a surprise"...lol
Ebony has been really sick with the flu too and had eight days off school...no faking it she was really crook and spent all dy sleeping...she came to us the other night (after the 8th day off) and announced a friend was coming to sleep over on Friday night and could we give them a lift to the Blue Light Disco...Um no, you have been sick! She launched into her "you must be kidding" routine, followed by the tears, then the yelling, " I hate you", followed up by the begging, pleading, offering to clean her room and then the finale of stomping up to the room and slamming her door...and you wonder why I am grey!
Tomorrow we plan to clean out our garage, what a task that will be...we have lived here 12 years and have never parked our car in there and slowly but surely it has filled to the brim with junk...all Ebonys old unwanted toys, assorted bikes without chains and flat tyres, sheets of tin for that fence Martin never got around to building, tins and tins of dried up house paint, Stanely screw driver boxes with no screw drivers in them and a whole assortment of other crap...we have attepted this task many times before so I know exactly whats going to happen....every time something is about to go in the rubbish pile, someone will pipe up and say, "I might use that one day" and it will go back into the garage so at the end of the day we will still have a pile of crap in there but it will just be stacked neater lol
Ok I am off to bed I didn't have my five hour granny nap today....
Could everyone please say a prayer for little Rani who is back in ICU. My thoughts are with you Mel and John
oh so nice to see you arfe still around bev...lol
LOL at ebony - sounds like our ATM - but are slowing learning not to beg and plead and slam doors - it will get you no where...
Our garage needs cleaning out too. We have the problem of rotating boxes of stuff. Goes from the spare room to the lounge room to the garage then back to the spare room cause we needed to get a car in there at that point in time. I tell you what - I'll clean yours if you clean mine. We might have some hope then.
I'm hearing you about that coma thingy, geez those anti vomitting injections just sent me for 6 I slept for almost 3 days straight! Ugh! I know it sounds awful but I was just glad I was sick now and not SWIG weekend! ;)
Take it easy cleaning out the garage Bev, being so sick you don't want to overdo it now you're feeling a bit better ok? Take it a bit slower for a while!
Love Chrissy xx
sorry to hear you have been ill bev....i can SO identify with the whole leg crossing thing...looks funny until it's you doing the crossing hey...???
and just to let you know....i can leave the door remote for my garage in the letterbox when you have finished doing yours.....LOL i'm sure you will do such a great job on yours you will knock mine over in next to no time *WINK*
take care
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