Pretty dramatic at our house this week...As some of you know, Haleys partner Jo, went to Western Australia to get a job in the mines....he got one....and when they found out his family was in Queensland they transfered him back here lol. It's still in the middle of whoop whoop at the Osbourne copper and gold mine south of Mt Isa. He will will work for two weeks then be flown home for a week so they have to think about where they are going to base themselves....probably close to me I would say, because Haley needs the company and when the new baby is born she will need my interference...I mean help!
I am not getting as much time to scrap these days as Martins business is getting busier and I am his secretary...if anyone remebers Betty from Hey Dad, I give her a run for money as far as being dumb is concerned. I hate it when builders ring me up and ask me to fax them things.....I have had the fax for 3 years and still can't do it without causing paper jams, sending blank sheets because I have loaded the tray wrong. or worse still fax them disney colouring pages that have somehow got mixed in with the important stuff! My worst nightmare was realised the other day when the red light flashed indicating I needed to change the toner...My God what a drama, of course I cant find the instruction book, (that will be filed somewhere never to be found again). I couldn't even work out how to open the lid thingy (apparently it helps if you pull a lever whatsy) and after twenty minutes I was swearing like a wharfy in a real crazy woman rage. However once I did find the lever whatsy it was quite easy, but I hope this lot of toner lasts a very long time. Heaven help me if I ever have to find a real job, I am unskilled at everything and too clumsy for a lot of positions. My sister got me a job once working at the cafe where she worked...I made my first milkshake and tried to remove it before the spinning thing had stopped which shredded the paper cup and you know the rest...however that was not my fault as the automatic cut off was broken....it WAS my fault however when I over flowed the cappacino jug, set the hotplate on fire and sent five people off with neatly wrapped hamburgers....minus the meat patty. I also remember my first day working at Coles when I was told to "face up " the dairy fridge (pull everything forward to make it look neat). I was standing on an upside down milk crate to reach the high shelves when one of my legs went through the crate....the sharp plastic was digging into my leg and I couldn't remove it...I had to gingerly slide my way to the front desk for assistance which came in the form of a hack saw....how embarrassing!
Anyway I am rambling now, I must be off and do the dishes...have a good day everyone!
Memo to self - must remember to remove eye makeup from face before reading Bev's blog. The sight of mascara runs caused by tears of laughter is not a good look and would certainly give Ebony's makeup experiments a run for their money.
OMG too funny! But hey you were the best checkout chick in the world!
Good news about your DD!
I'm still a sickie so thought I'd cheer myself up by blog surfing a little and oh matey I'm soooo laughing here! You have made my day with a bit of a giggle!! Only you Bev, only you!!
Oh Bev, thank you so much for brightening up my day... and its only just begun! You truly are a fabulous story teller, and I can see myself standing there and watching the whole story unfold...
Thank you again... And you definately would be worth your weight in gold in a scrapping store...
little tip though, I think you may just need to give Eb a trip to the beautician for makeup lessons as a christmas pressie... LOL
oh bev ROFL..visions of you falling through crates..just too funny!!! and if we ever meet, I'll make the coffee and milkshakes ROFL
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