Thursday, August 03, 2006

EEK! I have been tagged by Tracey C!! But I know what do do this time lol
1. How old are you? 44 this year, however mother nature has not been kind to me and I look ten years older than that... spose I could just lie and say 58 and people would think I look good for my age!
How many kids do you have if any? Haley who is almost 25, Jody who is almost 23 and Ebony who is almost 13
3. Are you married, single, divorced, widow? Married at 18, divorced at 24, remarried at 28 and still married
4. What is your occupation? I am supposed to be my husbands secretary however my skills leave a lot to be desired...However I am the family cook , cleaner and general jack of all trades, master of none
5. What are your passions? Husband and kids (you have to say that don't you), scrapbooking, my grand daughter
6. Are you a dreamer or a dream seeker? I am just a dreamer, too lazy to actually work at making things happen
7. Are you happy with the way you life has turned out? Yes, I am doing everything I ever wanted to do
8. Are you a scrapper and if so how many hours a week do you scrap? I scrap for several hours a day (3,4,5).....which is why the lawn needs mowing, I don't know where my iron is and baked beans on toast is a delicacy
9. What do you want to do before you die? Write my life story...I have started a few times
10. What is your favorite food? Anything junky looking...chocolate, take away and my fave...biscuits!
11. What is the food you hate the most? that sushi stuff...eewwww!
12. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you? Ha ha! We don't have all day! Read about it in my book lol
3. What is the happiest day of your life thus far? All the usual stuff, getting married, having kids.....but watching my grand daughter being born....that was the mostest!
14. Are you a neat freak? Or a dirty house cleaner? I am a neat freak but you wouldnt think so if you walked into my house as NO ONE cooperates! It seems that lolly wrappers and chip packets are meant to be tucked down the side of the lounge chair, dirty washing goes on the floor BESIDE the washing basket and no one is satisfied until they have dirtied every plate and glass in the house.....

I tag Christine M who needs to update her BLOG!


Chrissy said...

I agree, Christine needs to update!!! LOL Now Bev sushi can be really yummy, I don't eat the slimy ones LOL!!!

Chrissy xx

Shazz said...

"I am unskilled at everything and too clumsy for a lot of positions." - so i guess working as a "lady-of-the-night" is out of the question bev.....ROTFL
sorry.....when i read that in your last post i just couldn't resist.

and i'm with you on the sushi front - ewwwwwww

have a great sunday
