So excited that it is only 21 sleeps til Santa comes!! The tree went up at the end of November, I give in every year. The presents (way too many) are prettily wrapped and under the tree and now we just have to await the arrival of the big guy in red. Emily is here for a sleepover tonight...she was looking at the animated Santa we have who holds a list in his hand and she asked Pop to read the names on his list...Pop rattled off the names of everyone including Ella (they were not the real names on the list) and Emily asked...Pop, isn't my name on there? Pop replied, "no it doesn't look like it" Emily placed her hands on her hips most indignantly and said, "How COULD he leave me off that list, I wasted my time being good!" We just about wet ourselves laughing.
I sent a care package to Jodie and Duane in Canada...hope they like their bloody milo - it cost me $79.50 in postage lol! I included some anzac biscuits, twisties, vegemite, milo along with chocolates, xmas decorations and green and gold aussie xmas hats and stockings...well not for Duane -he hates xmas so I sent him a black santa hat that says Bah humbug on the front. Did I mention that when Duane arrived they had changed his job...he is the portaloo guy...rofl, I will call him Kenny from now on..they seem to be enjoying themselves despite the fact that if they go jogging in the park they have to carry bear spray???Let me tell you, if you are close enough to a bear to spray it you would much rather be carrying a shot gun I reckon!
It seems I have started sleep walking again which is a worry...a few weeks ago I woke up standing next to the clothes line in the back yard and a few nights after that Martin heard the front door open, so he got up to investigate and I was off down the driveway (thank God I don't sleep in the raw!) I am shit scared of the dark, so as you can imagine it freaks me out. I was a nightly sleepwalker when I was kid, so bad mum used to have to give me sleeping tablets. When I was 11 I went into hospital to have my tonsils out...I terrified all the other kids in the ward so badly they had to restrain me in my bed. I only do it occasionally now thank heavens.
I would like to congratulate Sue Jones on becoming a Nanna for the first time to a beautiful grand daughter. You will love the job Sue! I have compiled a few tips
1. Only buy outfits if they are in colours that are easy to match up to patterned papers and embellishhments
2. If the baby is screaming and can't be settled, offer to help...when you become a Nanna you are given some sort of magical power that puts babies to sleep even though nothing ever worked with your own kids
3. Respect the fact that the parents would prefer the child not to have lollies....which means you have to hide the M&M's when they are around, then hope to God the kid doesn't point to the pantry and ask for a lol lol
4. Resist the urge to impulse buy cute toys.......for at least a minute then whip out the cash
5. Remember when they are old enough to ask for a sleepover that once you say yes they will never ever ever walk in the door for a visit again without an overnight bag.
6.Cute overnight bags can be purchased at Target or Kmart
7. You can say no all you like, but once they drop that bottom lip you will say yes quick smart
8. Expect to be the guest of honour when they have seniors day at Kindy
9. Hundreds and thousands on honey toast is acceptable for breakfast
10. YOUR grand kid is way cuter than anyone elses, even when they are being naughty!
Talk to you all soon
Your Top Ten Tips For Being a Nanna is a hoot.
LOL at the care package! As Michael is in China and the stupid addy is in *Chinese!!!* I haven't been able to send him anything! Looking at your postage for the milo maybe it's a good thing I haven't been able to work it all out hey. *grin*
Love the Nanna list, tooooo funny Bev. :-)
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