That was the fun part of Thursday, in the afternoon I was off to the dentist for major dental work...I cant remember if I have mentioned I am getting dentures, so this was the start of the whole process.....This is going to sound very "poor me" but after the pain I have endured I am entitled to have a bitch and you will all pay attention, I demand you listen to what they did to poor little old me!!!
I had to have all my back teeth out (which leaves me with six top front and six front bottom till the next stage of the process).
Seven extractions in total, had the gas full bore and 10 injections in various parts of my mouth...In my usual dramatic form I thought I was going to choke on my tongue so I went through the whole gagging and arm flapping bizzo until the dentist convinced me there was nothing to choke on and then we were under way. The first two teeth came out easily...piece of cake...then the next two took forever and I sensed problems when has asked two assistants to hold my head so he could get a better grip. Despite everything being totally numb I thought my jaw was going to crack in half, it was horrid!! My worst ever dentist visit!!
I now reside on the couch with the panadeine forte in easy reach...I cant eat anything though I did attempt some KFC potato and gravy tonight as I was starving..that was sheer hell as I have big splits on both sides of my mouth, I look like a friggin ventriloquist dummy... all I can really manage is luke warm coffee which I drink through a straw. One panadeine forte normally puts me in a coma but this time they are doing little and I have been awake since 5 am thursday morning and it is now 11 pm friday night. I feel like I have been kicked in the face and my mouth tastes like a sewer..there I feel so much better that you all listened, I think everyone is sick of hearing it around here!!
Just for a little more drama, I received a big envelope from Telstra yesterday...my bill...which was too bulky for a normal envelope.....normally my monthly home phone bill is around 165 a month...this one was $657.27...and the reason??? Ebony ringing skater boy on his mobile...sometimes up to 20 times a night...I left this one up to Dad to sort out, I was too out of it for sensible arguing...He marched up to her room and knocked very loudly on the door...
"Ebony , you are not to ring Chris on his mobile, we just got a very expensive bill"
"OK Dad"
...and that was it, nothing else , nada, no further comment, no punishment, no please explain"
I reached for another panadeine forte and waited for the pretty patterns to happen in my head.
News in Brief
*Our water tank was installed on Tuesday...it is already half full...yay!
*Martin bought a hard lid for his ute (his midlife crisis black XR8 with personalised plates) for those who dont know what a hard lid is...or if you are like me and couldnt really give a fiddlers fart....it is a solid lid instead of a vinyl tonneau cover....the purchase price of $1800 did not include the tiny packet of things that look like brads to plug up the holes where the clips for the tonneau cover used to be...an extra sixty dollars for those! Note to self...the next time he dares sling off at me about what I "waste" on scrapping, point out my tiny packet of brads only cost $2...and my scrapping tote doesnt have a hard lid!
* Our lawn is now approximately 85 % bindii....a fact I tend to forget everytime I go to hang washing on the line in bare feet
*The 500 dollar "cashy" job Martin scored for tomorrow that he thought would be used for some chrome pipes for his ute will be going towards the phone bill.....
I am going to retire to the couch now to watch reruns of Kojak and Antiques Roadshow and dream of a time when I can chew someting solid and talk without an impediment
Thanks for listening to me moan!
Oh Bev you have my total sympathy re your teeth. When I had my wisdom teeth out earlier this year, the Forte was my best friend although it did put me into a mild coma. Although with the general I was spared the experience of the chair. Take it easy and plenty of soft food....
Bev, I so understand about the teeth - I had 2 permanent crowns put in recently and that is mild compared to what you had done!!! Keep sipping!
Since its now Sunday I hope the swelling and pain are starting to go down. As Susan and Kathryn have said, take it easy and enjoy Kojak. Remember "who luvs ya baby".
Gorgeous photos Bev!
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