Day 6 after having my teeth out and I have to say it has been horrendous, I thought things would be much better by now..The pain is unbearable, I have never cried so much, what a sook. I went back a few days ago and had the holes dressed...that meant more needles...bastard!!! The only light at the end of the tunnel for me was the thought of losing weight, but guess what..I have gained over a kilo!!!!!!! I have no idea how that has happened I am living on fresh air and slop through a straw, this totally sucks...I am also constipated from all the pain killers (gives a whole new meaning to full of shit lol) Yesterday I ate....or rather sucked half a packet of licorice and downed a bottle of prune juice...hopefully today I will catch up with my back log...needless to say I wont be leaving the house today.
After months of nagging I think I have found a way to convince Martin we need a new lounge suite. The one we have is 11 years old and although the couch is still ok, Martins recliner chair is a disgrace. The leather is worn off the arms, it has two big holes and it has the most annoying squeak. The other night while he was watching tv he started slapping himself all over....he was covered in ants...and no wonder, he is forever tucking chocolate wrappers down the side of his chair and the king ant has finally discovered the mother lode. Martin absolutely loathes ants!!!!!After spraying almost a whole can of fly spray he got rid of the ants but it got me thinking I could plant some half sucked lollypops down the side of the chair....he would never cope and I just know he would suggest we get a new one....I am not devious by nature but desperate times call for desperate measures!!!
I have noticed the shops have all their xmas decorations out already, I got Emily and Ella some cute xmas shirts and hats yesterday. I have all the grandies laybys paid for (except for 1 dollar so I dont have to pick them up yet) I have also put a few things away for Ebony but I will leave most of her stuff untul just before xmas...she changes her mind too much. I would really love to get her a camcorder as I know she would have a ball with it...the only downside is I just know she will go out of her way to catch me doing something stupid, I have already featured on her myspace doing hula hoops much to her friends amusement.
Last night I thought I would have a hot oil bath in the hope it would help me to sleep. I ran a nice deep bath with a generous squirt of Avon skin so soft bath oil...love the smell of that stuff. Had a long soak and even shaved my legs which were getting to the mohair stage. I had forgotten how lovely it was to relax like that...the end of the bath reminded me why I dont do it very often. After a five minute struggle to pull out the plug I stood up forgetting how slippery a bath can be when it is full of oil....did a very graceful slip and slide act which ended with me flat on my bum...that hurts....and then I had to clean the bath because my leg hairs had left a lovely black hairy ring around ....so I ended up smelling like spray and wipe instead of bath oil....unfortunately it didnt induce sleep so I stayed up all night watching Judge Judy, Forensic Files and Columbo.
My sister -in -law has decided to have a lower face lift..Martin, who is totally tactless told her its a waste of money...that people who are 58 are meant to have wrinkles...she couldnt give a hoot what her brother thinks and is going ahead with it....the other day she took the first step and had botox injected around her eyes and in her forehead...why anyone would willingly allow someone to poke needles in their facce is beyond me, however she is thrilled with the result...I on the other hand find it confusing....I cant tell if she is angry or happy, her facial expression looks the same for both emotions....which leads me to think you shouldnt consider having this procedure if you have teenage kids....its the facial expressions that let them know you are as mad as hell....difficult to do if your face is a blank canvas
Well thats about it for now, I will catch up again soon
oh Bev LOL you know your going to explode at swig dont you?? rofl..
Oh dear lord no!! After everything this week there is *no way* on this earth I would ever willingly let anyone put needles in my face, I'd rather look like the saggy baggy elephant!!!
You poor darlin with your teeth, it must be ever so painful love. Wish there was s'thing I could say that would help...
See you Sat!
Love Chrissy x
Nobody knows how to cheer a girl up like you do Bev.
I'm so sorry you're having tooth troubles. I HATE the dentist and I have a tooth that is getting a bit yukky recently as well. Wonder how long I can put up with it before it becomes a 'must attend to' thing.
Take care and have fun at SWIG.
I have to work but I was thinking of going.
I hope the pain has well and truly gone by now you poor thing.
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