weight update...dont ask
I will try to catch up in no particular order. My sister-in -law Hazel flew over from Brunei this week for a brief visit....before she came she asked if her sister Linda and I could arrange to find a place to buy some wigs as the humidity in Brunei makes her hair frizzy (yeah I know!) and a hairdressers with a colour specialist...cost unimportant...We found a wig place on the Gold Coast close to where we live so that part was easy...choosing one was another story! Long and curly, short and hip, human or synthetic, hand stitched or machine stitched part, there were way too many options...In the end she couldn't decide between 2 so I told the sales assistant she would take both lol...and she did.
The hairdressers we chose for her took quite some research...all the ones I go to have "budget" somewhere in the title which just wouldnt have cut it on this occasion...pardon the pun..we finally settled on "Tony and Guys" which had a definate gay ring to it and the price list suggested first class. Linda and I were told to come back in an hour and a half which meant we had to amuse ourselves...with hardly any cash...boring!! after several cappacinos and a quick wander around some very classy clothes shops that were definately not us we went to get Hazel only to be told she would be another 2 hours ...Holy Crap we should have just taken her to Supercuts! So like a couple of street urchins we killed the next couple of hours with more coffee and some scratchy tickets freezing our bums off. When Hazel finally emerged her hair did look rather nice but when she said it cost $340 dollars for a trim and colour I almost passed out. For that much money I could outfit myself with an entire wardrobe of clothes...guess that means I am cheap and nasty lol. I would never make a successful posh person I'm afraid!
Went back to the doctor for the first lot of test results...They handed me my chest xrays when I got to reception and the whole time I was waiting to see the doc I was shaking like a leaf as there was some illegible red writing on the front which I was convinced was serious as I had spent the last fortnight convinced I have lung cancer (would explain the back pain and awful cough) ...turns out my lungs are fine and the abdominal ultrasound was also clear. Then came the blood test results...seems I am in the beginning stages of menopause...I kind of guessed that...and in his words...I am a heart attack waiting to happen....my cholesterol is terrible and my blood pressure was even worse than my last visit...he told me that I needed to stop stressing over things so much as it affects my blood pressure...I told him fine, I will deliver my tax bill (due last week) to him and let him deal with it...I would also drop off my 13 year old while I was at it...so now I have to start on Zyban next week in the lead up to giving up smoking and he wants me to join a gym to assist me in losing weight and lowering my cholesterol...hopefully also reducing my stress and improving my posture which is causing my back ache....all this news just proved my theory that you should never go to the doctor...I only went because I was getting headaches and now all of a sudden I am a stressed out wreck! Could I also add that when I got home Martin asked how I went and when I told him he started ranting about how "told you you shouldnt worry blah blah, those bloody cigarettes blah blah, you dont exercise enough blah blah, if I had a stress meter on my forehead it would have popped!
So this brings me to the following question....how the bloody hell do you reduce stress when
1. Your tax bill is overdue and you dont have a hope in hell of paying it in the near future (too late for planning ahead so dont tell me that lol)
2. your teenage daughter comes to you at 10 o'clock on Sunday evening and informs you she has an assignment due the next day and she hasn't even started it yet
3. you are trying to cook three different meals at tea time because no one likes the same things
4. The phone is ringing, someone is at the door, something is boiling over on the stove and you are trying to attend to all three things because SOMEONE is watching the football
5. You accidently throw a red sock in with a load of white school shirts
6. Your husband rings to ask if you remembered to pay his Public Liability Insurance and you lie and say "Yes of course"......and then he says good....can you fax the receipt to these five builders (yikes)
7. You are driving along and start freaking out because the temperature gauge is way up so you do an emergency lane change to pull over...then you realise you are looking at the fuel gauge
8. Your teenager needs new winter clothes (probably THE most stressful thing I endure is shopping with Ebony)
9. You realise that by this time next week you will be giving up smoking
10. You go to someones Blog and have to do word verification after you leave a comment (I have never done this successfully first attempt!)
Haley rang this morning to say Joe has broken his foot at work....we were imagining all the scenarios that could have lead up to this... falling down a mine shaft....a drilling rig trapping his foot....turns out he was sent to Broome to pick up a machinery part and while he was there he fell out of a tree????????????? Not sure if workers comp will cover this! He flies home tonight has to go straight to a hospital for surgery..while he is here we may just have to ask what the hell he was doing up in a tree in the first place lol.
Martin came home from Bunnings last weekend with a garden shed...UNASSEMBLED!!!!!!!!!!!! Invited over his brother and brother- in - law to set it up...Crikey what a fiasco!!! As they were putting it together it became apparent that it was WAYYYY bigger than he thought, we only wanted something to put the lawn mower and pool cleaning stuff in....we have ended out with something large enough to rent out...it is sitting on a quirky angle up near the back fence waiting for a concrete slab...which I am almost certain you are meant to do first....but what would I know....my favourite part is the door which has all the support brackets on the outside instead of the inside....again what would I know....so $600 for a shed, $50 for two cartons of beer which was the payment to his off- siders, $50 for meat for a barbecue because they were very hungry after a full day of assembly and $25 dollars for drill bits to replace the ones Martin threw away in a fit of frustration...and the mower and pool stuff is still out in the weather because we have to wait till the shed has a floor...Lord have mercy!
See you all next week!
Sounds like you need a nice cup of tea and a good lie down after all that.
Bev i gave up the dreaded fags 6 1/2 years ago with Zyban after countless attempts with patches & cold turkey. Like anything I suppose it didnt do it for me but it sure helped. The best thing i ever found was accupuncture but I would have needed it every day and had to travel 2 hrs to the doctor who did it. After a morning treatment i would come home and not even feel like one till the next morning.
Good luck! Will be thinking of you.
Of course you can do it Bev!! I know you canlovey!! Am ever so grateful the scan and tests came back ok, now you just have to work on getting rid of those ciggies.
I think I already know what he was doing up that tree!!! ROFL Oh dear!!! *giggle*
Good grief Bev, only you can tell a story like that...... Thank goodness it is not all bad news on the health front.
I guess the hard part is the ciggies..... Try not to stress too much. take care
Bev, I'm so pleased the test results weren't bad.
And if you're ever in the market for a personal trainer... you know my number. lol
Oh dear this has been a nightmare week for you! I gave up cold turkey and although some say not the best it was just after one of my ear battles and I was even more determined! You can do it.
As for the other disasters...sorry no advice! Scotch, vallium, vodka..but not a fag! LOL
Oh Bev, ebony is really giving you a hard time
as for cooking 3 different meals just make one for you and let the rest fend for themselves
take care
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