Friday, June 01, 2007

I have just realised that on shopping day I throw away as much food as I put away…a lettuce seems to be a stock standard item I seem to buy every week, but apart from a couple of leaves the rest of it ends up getting tossed along with the half tomatoes, containers of milk with just a bit left in the bottom and several bread packets with a few slices left in each. If I had chooks they would be in their element…however chooks scare me to death so that isn’t an option. My kids laugh at the way I shop…Haley calls me a turbo shopper, I just zoom along tossing things in…there is no point taking my time as my lot are very set in their ways so brand switching is out…only Heinz baked Beans, Cottonelle toilet paper, Cashmere Bouquet soap….I have on occasion tried to be daring and try new brands but they veto them so the next week I have to buy their favourites again…. I am just as bad really as the other day Jodie pointed out I have a thing for lavender…never realised it before but I buy lavender soap powder, lavender soap, lavender dishwashing liquid….I always thought lavender was an old lady thing so I guess I am officially a lavender loving old lady…it could be worse, I could go for Lilly of the valley
Ebony had her boyfriend over for tea tonight…a bit of a spur of the moment thing…we had sausages and steak done on the barbeque, potato bake, baked pumpkin, savoury bread and corn….I think it was a bit of a culture shock for him, they are obviously more civilised at his house…as soon as the food hit the table everyone dove in Simpson style, digging spoons into the potato bake and dropping corn all over the table, you would swear they had never been fed!! It didn’t take him long to work out that if he didn’t hurry up he would miss out! While I was setting the table I realised I need to buy some household items….we are drinking out of glasses (that used to be filled with jam and Nutella) with Disney pictures on them… not very classy….nor are the mismatched dinner plates, survivors of three different dinner sets…and I don’t own a table cloth (used it for a drop sheet when I painted Ebony’s room)…Home decor obviously doesn’t rate very highly on my list of must haves? I think its just a case of when you live with something every day you stop taking notice…much like Martins favourite recliner chair…it is 12 years old and has a big rip in the arm and all the leather is worn where his legs go and has the most annoying squeak! I mentioned to Martin the other night that we really should buy a new lounge suite and he replied that I have a few cracks in my face and showing signs of wear but he doesn’t think of replacing me (and he thought that was a compliment lol). I had so many smart come backs in my head but I didn’t bother wasting my wit on him.
On the diet front my weight stayed the same..I am so lazy, I hate exercise so its my own fault...I have also been sneaking in a few biscuits with my coffee, so not kosher..
Just for something a bit different I thought I would start a little quiz and tag someone
Name three things that scare you. Chooks, electricity bills and 13 year olds with PMS
The daggiest thing in your music collection. Hits of the 70’s (which I Love!)
Your three favourite clothing items. My pink flannelette pj’s, my blue flannelette pj’s and my penguin pj’s
Your partners most annoying habit. I have so many to choose from but probably that he doesn’t look in the mirror before he makes smart comments about me
What stresses you out. Shopping with teenagers, trying to send faxes, driving, cooking more than three things at once, loud music or tv’s, doing letter verification on blogs, standing on bathroom scales, soduku puzzles.
If I could change the world I would……………..put dimmer switches in changing rooms, invent carpet that self cleans, make chocolate a part of the healthy food pyramid, include a mute button on teenagers (and husbands) outlaw any exercise that caused working up a sweat
7 Your favourite household chore…. Ha!!! Funny!
8 If you had fifty bucks to spend at Target which section would you head straight for…. Toys…though I should probably go to the homewares section
9 In my next life I would like to come back as …..a size 10
10 Your least favourite celebrity…Paris Hilton…I so wish I was Bea Smith right now (if you are under 40 you probably wont get that one lol)
ok I tag Debbie Y and Tess


Tess said...

you will keep...i'm going to befriend your husband..and will be sorry!! roflpimp

Susan C said...

Perhaps you need worms. For the garden. They'll happily consume all your old leftovers and your plants will love the castings (worm poo).

Leanne said...

your shopping scenario sounds very familiar, it can be the same here too....but don't the colours in your fridge look lovely after shopping? It must be the creative juices in me that see it that way! LOL

Anonymous said...

Hey Bev, I don't own a tablecloth either. What's the point ... it would just need washing every day and I already have enough washing to do!

cassandra cusack said...

you mean chocolate isn't part of the food pyramid!!!!!
but it's a vegetable - it contains cocoa beans

Anonymous said...

Oh geez woman! I love coming to your blog. I don't make it as often as I should but you always brighten my day.
You know what? I am so going to come down for a visit one day. (I just have to find time)... but we need to sip hot chocolate and eat tim tams together and catch up.