Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The party bags were a big hit, and at the end there were some left over which were literally snatched up (by the mums lol)
Emily has already been for a sleepover with her new Barbie pull along suitcase...knock knock on the door and a little voice calling "Nanny, I'm baaaack!' lol. She packed books , games and money but no clothes!
That's all for now, I just had a few people asking how the party went, I will "see " you all again on Friday!
Friday, May 25, 2007

Miss Emily turns 4 tomorrow and is having a fairy party at Hungry Jacks..It's a little easier for Haley as Ella has been sick and she wouldn't have had time to organize things...I was miffed as it meant I wasn't needed for mouse cakes duties....one of my fave jobs, I have been making those little patty cakes for the kids birthdays for years...Haley softened the blow by putting me in charge of lolly bags...Jodie and I had a working bee the other night making Fairy shoe party bags (they are actually baby shoes but Emily won't notice lol) They are made from Bazzill bling cardstock and I have to say they look pretty darn cute though after making 20 I was over it!
I went shopping with her for her birthday present the other day and I got her a sandpit and sand toys, a new fairy costume, a rolling suit case for when she comes for sleepovers (that was her idea lol, I made sure it was only big enough for an overnight stay) and some Dora toy...then Ebony reminded me I had a set of books and a really cute bag and purse up in my wardrobe...I really must stop stashing things in there, I forget about them.
I came home from my weekend expecting the worst but the house wasn't too bad, I think Jodie must have been on their case. I had to have a chuckle at Martin though when he told me he washed his own work clothes like it was some major drama...I pointed out I had done all the washing before I left and since he only worked on Saturday it was only one set of dirty clothes but he was determined to let me know I inconvenienced him...care factor zero!!! Eb had been shopping with Daddy Dearest while I was away and scored some new jeans, tops and a dress...boy she has him wrapped around her little finger!!
Today I cleaned out the fridge as it had developed a disgusting odour...not the nicest job is it....I wish you could buy half tomatoes as we seem to only use half and then put the other half in the fridge and leave it till its all shrivelled up. The crisper was the offending location, I found a cucumber that had turned to liquid which was causing the stench although the mouldy pumpkin didn't smell like roses, I must say...I found some mayonnaise that expired last year and a container of something I wasn't game to open so it went in the bin tupperware and all! Seems my house keeping skills are slipping, my mother would have been in her glory armed with the spray n wipe and a chux cloth.
I went into Ebonys room today and all her Beanie Kids had been dumped unceremoniously into a plastic bag and taking pride of place on the shelf were her dirty orange gym boots...what the??? When I questioned her she said it looked cool....so tomorrow I am getting rid of the ornaments on my bookcase and I am going to hang my undies there...I wonder if that will look cool? I can't keep up with what's cool these days...it seems Ebony spends hours straightening her hair then does some messy crooked hanging out pony tail thing...and that's cool....then she takes a perfectly good school folder and scribbles all over it with nikko pen and white out..and that's cool....as is skinny leg jeans that are too long so the hems go right under you feet.....it is not cool however to walk next to your mother when you go shopping...a few paces ahead or behind is the rule...also on the not cool list is getting a call on your mobile from your mum while you are on the school bus... I have been warned repeatedly about that one... Have to admit cool rules were around when I was her age, they were just a little different...like wearing jeans so tight you almost ruptured your spleen when you tried to sit, or writing Hush and AC/DC all over your school bag or better yet wearing knitted bikinis with your body lathered in coconut oil...no wonder I am so wrinkly now.
And speaking of bikinis I almost wet myself at swig when the lovely Anna was talking about the day she walked past a beauty salon with her daughter and commented that she wouldn't mind having a Brazillian wax...her daughter asked if she knew what it was and was a little shocked to learn it had nothing to do with the hair on your upper lip! How would you feel if you rocked up and asked for a brazillian and the therapist asked you to lie down and spread em...and you gave them a big smile...lol
On that note....
Sunday, May 13, 2007

Lost 1 kilo this week bringing my weight to 72.6...boy it was hard this week, we had Martins birthday and two nights over the weekend with takeaway....while they scoffed their pizza and KFC I made myself proper low fat meals and passed on the mud cake which just about killed me, it would be so much easier if it were fashionable to be "slightly rounded".
Martin had a fantastic birthday on Wednesday. Jodie and Duane got him new runners...He was thrilled to bits as his existing ones are older than Ebony! New clothes and socks and jocks, but the present he was most excited about came from his brother and sister..they got him a gift voucher to drive 5 laps in a v8 supercar at Willowbank raceway over the June long weekend...he carried on like a little kid, I have never ever seen him that excited...and to think I tried to talk them out of it as I didn't think he would take a day off to do it! I cant wait til its over as every time we go somewhere in the car he practices maintaining constant speed around sweeping curves...I shit myself (more than ever) now every time we go out...
Jodies boyfriend works at Melba's Nightclub here on the Gold Coast, a job he started just a few weeks ago...every afternoon we get his excited run down on his previous nights work, how he had to have his photo taken with a group of bikini girls, how he met someone famous..blah blah...but on Saturday he was very quiet..when I asked how work went he blurted out"do I look gay to you??" Apparently he was having a good old natter with some bloke until he realised he was being chatted up rofl! Martin is having a field day with that one..
In an effort to make exercise a little more interesting I bought myself a hula hoop this week. I suck at it big time but every afternoon, I go out the back to give it my best shot...nothing wrong with that...the other day I hear Ebony and 3 of her friends in hysterics in her room...when I go to see what's going on I got the shock of my life...Eb had secretly filmed one of my hula sessions and put it on her "my space" set to the music of "I like to move it move it". I look like a whale trying to jump through a hoop, it is truly one of the most embarrassing things I have seen...I have asked her to take it off but she won't...that's ok I will wait till she wants to go somewhere and the ball will be back in my court...exercise is one of my pitfalls I hate everything about it...Jodie loaned me her pilates dvd's and I was really keen ......for about 60 seconds....I don't know what happened to my flexiness but I can't lay on my back with my legs raised AND lift my head off the floor....not even for a few seconds....the skipping rope I bought is now in Emily's toybox as I discovered I pee when I skip and after nearly knocking myself out with my hand weights, they too have been retired....so this new stepper will be interesting I know the idea is to try and do it for half an hour but I do a half dozen steps and my legs ache so I quit....and unfortunately you don't burn many calories lying on the couch watching Dr Phil...bummer!
Emily turns 4 in a few weeks and this year Haley decided on a party at Hungry Jacks as Emily has been to a few and like the idea...I was shattered at first because it meant I won't be needed for mouse cakes or M &M slice but then Haley softened the blow by telling me I am in charge of party bags...woohoo, I am thinking of doing fairy slippers..Stay tuned for that one!! (meaning I have no clue how to do that just yet!)
Well thats about it for this weeks check in, catch you all in 7 days
Friday, May 04, 2007

I have just suffered yet another embarrassing moment..Eb asked me to take her to the video shop so I changed out of my pj's into a pair of jeans that were lying on my bedroom floor. While we were standing in the shop I felt something on my foot and thinking it was a bug, flicked my leg....it was a pair of undies that must have been in the leg of my jeans...of course it couldnt happen in an empty shop, it was jammed packed...I got looks varying from sympathy to a smartarse grin on one teenage boys face...I felt like grabbing the undies and rubbing that smirk clean off his face! This has happened to me before, you should always check the legs of your jeans before you put them on
Went shopping the other day to get Martins birthday present (it's next Wednesday) He is so hard to buy for, all he likes is t-shirts and shorts, he has no hobbies aside from watching telly ..and chocolates are out this year because of his diet....so shorts and shirts was what I got...but while I was in Big W....which in my opinion is the BEST shop I saw two dresses I liked so I rang Jodie and asked if she would like to buy me a dress for Mothers Day which she jumped at....and the other one...well that can be from Martin...my expensive taste astounds me, they were 24.95 each!! lol
Eb was with me and was horrified at my choices and said they looked like mu mu's and begged me not to get them.....hello!!!! I can't exactly get around in skinny leg jeans and crop tops! (Well I could put I would need to pass out buckets). Eb bought herself another eyeliner...what is it with teenage girls and eyeliner??? I could put my foot down and tell her she isn't allowed to wear makeup but as we all know that would immediately put me in the "so gay" bracket and also the "you just don't get it" bracket as well, so I will save my battles for more important issues like body piercings. It was lunchtime by the time we had finished so we went to the food court to grab a bite...Eb had Maccas and I wandered from kiosk to kiosk and couldn't find a single thing that even looked remotely low fat..so I had to sit around dozens of people scoffing their faces while I drank a diet coke...while I was there I observed how many people have a g string hanging out when they sit down....I mean half way up their backs.... for blokes it's bum cracks, I don't know what's worse! Do you do that.??..observe people while you are sitting around??...I can't believe how many people pull out wedgies or scratch their bums or worse still drop a fart while they are walking around and don't give it a second thought...I save all that stuff for the privacy of my own home. It's the same when you are sitting in your car in traffic and you see the person in the car ahead of you looking for treasure in their noses...having a real good dig around without even checking to see if anyone is looking...
My personal favourite is the toff nosed ladies in high heels that check out their reflections in the shop windows as they walk past...when I catch my reflection I think, god who's that fat chick lol
We have had our fair share of bickering over homework and assignments this week ..so damn stressful! Ebony is hopeless at organising herself and leaves everything till the last minute then starts bitching and carrying on...thank god for the internet, when I was a kid you had to look it up in the encyclopedia...and ours were so old a lot of world events hadn't even happened yet....wouldn't you be spewing if you were an encyplopedia salesman now....it all fits on a compact disc lol
That's it folks, I did warn I wouldnt have much news if I updated weekly!! I will try for some sort of disaster for next week I promise!
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