Sorry I have been missing in action but my life has been a little hectic lately and I have had some news that has left me a little sad. My eldest daughter Haley and her partner Jo are likely to be moving to Western Australia in a few months. Needless to say the thought of my little buddy moving so far away is devastating not to mention the new little grandbaby due in October. Anway I have already spent most of the week crying over that so let's move on shall we? What do you think of the pink sunnies? Ebony spent two weeks pocket money on these little beauties which are very big, very pink and have sparkles all over the arms...I nearly died when I saw them!! Fashion is leaving me behind big time I can't keep up with it all. I went to Citybeach the other day with Ebony to look for new shoes (for her not me) and I had to leave the shop after five minutes... swear to God they were having a rock concert in there, the music was so loud I could feel it thumping in my chest...I want to yell at them to turn down the damn volume...However it's probably just a clever ploy...Mum can't stand it, throws kid money and waits outside..or at least that's what happened in our case.
The whole loud thing must become a bother when you reach a certain age. As a teenager I attended heaps of concerts with loud music...did you know Angus Scott from AC/DC flung sweat all over me?? One of the highlights from way back then..It's a wonder I didn't pass out..I was wearing jeans so tight, the zip could only be done up by lying flat on the bed and reefing it up with a coat hanger..geez those were the days!
Being a teen in the seventies was a blast.. a date with Prisoner and Restless Years twice a week (Bea Smith was my idol), surf mats, flops (does anyone else remember these odd thongs that had a woven bamboo inner sole and velvet straps?), John Paul Young, and Countdown every Sunday night..Life was good! Anyway I am off to clean a little...Em slept over last night and I am still finding barbeque shapes in every nook and cranny
Catch you later!
Oh no. The devine Miss eM can't move away :-( Thats devistating news Bev.
terribly sad news, i'd be devastated BUT onto those thongs YES i had 3 pairs, red, black and blue! loved them until they fell to bits! can relate to the jeans, why i still put my jeans on like that, but not for fashion, out of necessity ROFL. oh those indeed were the days! (i didn't get angus sweat though i got Les Gock, from Hush!!!!)
you are one of the very few people I know who has even heard of Hush!! Those satin pants really did it for me lol
Well you know I've already sent hugs and kisses about the "news", I know you'll really treasure the time you have with them before they leave.
Am thinking you need to organise a computer for them though, that way you could chat to them by email and messenger each day..
That pic makes me smile, Emmy has some of those big pink sunnies too, I just said "What the..." I am OLD! ROFL
Bev, who will you do all of you LO's on when Miss Em goes.
i agree about the loud music and im only 33.. most shops now seem to be doing this.
Love the sunnies too.
Wow Bev I love the Sunnies they are gorgeous! I too agree with Music in these shops is very deafening! Sorry to hear your news about your Family moving away. If you get stuck for photos for LO's give me a Holler, i'm overloaded with photos and not getting any scrapping done!
Take Care,
Shelley Turner.
Oh Bev - not only the Divine Miss Em, but the new bubba too. That is terribly sad news, but there is email, and there is the telephone, and at a last resort there is Australia pOst.
TD xoxoox
This is terrible news.
I had such a laugh abouit your memories..yep I remeber it all..loved those flops..wore them everywhere!
Hush..now we are going somewhere..I also used to go to Skyhooks..I loved it all..especially the really big concerts on the steps of the Opera House when band after band would play!
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