We decided...or rather Martin and Ebony decided we should go somewhere special for lunch....this was at 11am not giving us much chance of finding anywhere on the Gold Coast that wouldn't already be booked out...after letting my fingers do the walking we got a reservation at The Town and Country...a local restauarant...my sil and bil came along too. Turns out theplace is brilliant and I have no idea why we have never been there before since its only a five minute drive from where we live. It was an all you can eat buffet consisting of cold seafood and hot roast and vegetables so it suited Ebony , who loves roast, my sister in law who is vegetarian and Martin who is just a guts...as I looked around at all the families gathered for a special lunch with family, I noticed they were deep in conversation, laughing and generally relaxing and having a good time...our party of five however were watching the clock waiting for the magical hour of 12 so they could rush up when the buffet started. As soon as the big hand and little hand were both on the 12, Martin and Mick did the fifty yard dash and started loading their plates with king prawns...far too many for the rather small plates. Ebony was doing her usual whinge because there was hardly anything she liked and everything looked like it had onion in it...sheesh...I told her to load her plate with the lovely looking chicken breasts ......she did and was really pissed off to find it was actually salmon...my bad! As with most all you can eat buffets, we all ate way too much, incuding one of everything in the desserts...gotta love mud cake and baked cheescake...I know for a fact that Martin and Mick both got their fifty bucks worth and although Ebony didnt eat much to start with she made up for it with dessert. All in all a great day out...of course when we got home Martin and I had a few hours nanny nap!
During the week we took Mum back home after staying with us for a fortnight. I think she had a good time, but like all people her age she loves her own place. I had warned Ebony and Martin to behave while she was here and apart from a few Eb tantys they were pretty well behaved. Mum has trouble getting around now, she has arthritus in her spine and knees, so we were pretty much house bound. I did manage to convince her to go and have a look at one of our local junk shops and she was so pleased she did....got a cheapo version of one of those spinning dusters they flog to death on those tv ads...except these ones were only 14.95 instead of the million dollars they want for the real deal. I bet she has dusted her house from top to bottom by now! While she was here she got new teeth...it turns out my neighbours father in law is a retired dental technician, so he came to the house....what service!! Took impressions on Wednesday and she had her teeth by Friday...both top and bottom and at a fraction of the cost you would normally pay...Mum hasnt had bottom teeth for 17 years so when she put her new ones in she was talking with the familiar whistle...not that I am hanging shit because I have been having a few problems myself with my bottom teeth as well. On a recent scrapbooking getaway I was eating some roast beef when I detected what I thought was a bone...I didnt panic until I realised the bone was in fact my bottom plate which had somehow managed not only to dislodge but turn completely sideways in my mouth...I discretely tried to rectify the problem, but with a mouthful of meat and pumpkin it was never going to be easy...add to that a cough that just came from nowhere and I had food AND teeth escaping my mouth which was no doubt grossing everybody out....hard to choke on your teeth without doing it loudly!!...sorry everone...you will be pleased to know I have packed the bottom teeth away for now.
I am still trying to fight off a wog I picked up along the way...snotty nose, wino cough, sinus, sneezing..the whole kit and kaboodle...went to the docs twice...on my second visit he got out the dreaded blood pressure monitor.....and before I know it I have this big long list of things to have tested at pathology including cholesterol (again) ...then he handed me a suss looking brown jar....which I have to use to provide a stool sample...yay, how I love shitting in jars!! And all this because I have a cough????????????????????PLEASE!
I had a visit from my nephew and his wife this week along with their seven year old son Josh ( he is in the photos) They had to see a child psychologist hre on the Gold Coast....Josh has mild aspergers along with a few other problems and they are currently trying to sort out his medication. Hats off to anyone who has a child with this condition, he is a real handful!! While eating the dinner I cooked he told me my cooking was shit and HIS nan cooks much better than me....also referred to my husband as fatboy rofl. We went down to get takeaway the next night and we ordered extra as Ebony had friends over,,,when they were putting food on their plates Josh asked them if they were going to pay as they shouldn't get to eat for free....Ebony was mortified.. Although he struggles with school, he certainly is good with his hands...his mum got up to go to work one morning only to find her car jacked up with all the wheels missing (cant get over that, he is only 7, I dont think I could do it!)...he also pulled his sisters laptop into a million pieces and unscrewed an aluminium strip from the whole perimetre of his pops caravan...needless to say it was lovely and quiet when they left.
Emily and Ella are as cute as ever, I see them four or five times a week...last time Joe was home Emily told him he should not have another beer...when asked why she said she is learning about the food pyramid and beer is as bad as fats and oils...the things they learn!
Martin turned 56 yesterday...along with UnderbellyUncut and a chair massager as well as his usual chocolates and licorice, he received five new shirts...all extra large as it seems I have done something to all his old shirts and they don't fit anymore.....HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish I could use that excuse!
Well it seems that even though I havent updated for 4 months I have nothing much else to tell...maybe I will have some more news for you when Jodie gets back from Canada next week...stay tuned!
Yay!! A new post.
Glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day (I worked).
Loved reading about everything you've been up to. And laughed all over again at your teeth story.
aleays great to read about what's happening in the Watt houshold
so pleased you had a good day Bev
Glad you had a lovely Mothers Day and great to hear from you. You always give me a chuckle!
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