Hi all, it's been a long time between posts! I had intended to let my BLOG die a natural death...but then I got bored.
The baby of the family turned 14 on Wednesday. Eb didn't want a fancy party this year choosing instead to have some kids over for a swim during the day and a family tea at night....her choice? KFC, too easy. I must say I wasn't impressed with her choice of cake. We always get them from the cheescake shop and I usually select something with lots of cream, but Eb chose for herself this time and it was a plain old mud cake...tasted pretty good though! Skater boy came for tea as her special guest...he bought her a teddy holding a heart which says " I love you'...hope he remembers that next time she gives him a chinese burn lol.
Next week it's Jodies birthday and she will be turning 24...holy crap that time went fast. She and Duane leave for their working holiday to Canada at the end of October so she is rushing around doing all the last minute stuff. They will be working at a ski resort and only found out last week which jobs they have been allocated. Duane will be a house person in charge of salting the footpaths, porter and room service. Jodie will be working on the information desk and switch board. Both will be paid the princely sum of $8.00 an hour which is waaaaaaaayyyyy less than what they earn now....they are already trying to make friends with kitchen staff for left over food lol..After six months I bet they will be both glad to come home to warm weather and home made meatloaf!!! I will do my best to send care packages so they don't starve!
I have been out of action for over a week because of my menieres disease...for those of you who don't know what it is, it's nothing that serious but a royal pain in the neck. I get severe bouts of vertigo accompanied by vomiting from the continuous head spins along with ringing in my ears ranging from a soft swooshing noise to a big kick arse train coming...The worst part is trying to sleep because the dizziness is worse if I try to lie down and I havent mastered sleeping in an upright position. I feel like a caged animal as I havent driven the car for over a week...I am sick of tv, I can only scrap for a few minutes at a time and the house is empty during the day because everyone else around here has a life...sigh woe is me!! I am sure it will go over the next few days and I can have my life back till next time.
My Mother in law has just gone back to Victoria after a one month visit to Queensland...she usually stays with us but this time she stayed at my sister in laws as we decided amongst ourselves that witnessing one of Ebonys "outbursts" might be a bit scary for an octagenarian.....in her day that sort of thing would have been sorted out with a whip but its not the done thing in this day and age.....I thought Ebony might actually hold herself back when Nanna came to visit but she still managed to have several tantys in her company. Oh the joys...she rang me while she was out shopping today
"Mum can I get hot pink streaks in my hair"
"Aw why, Angela is allowed to"
"bully for Angela"
"you cant have hot pink streaks"
"you're so gay!"
"thanks for calling Ebony, make sure you are on the 3.30 bus"
"can't I catch the 5 o'clock bus?
"aw why Angela is allowed to"
"see you at 4"
.......thinking i have already hung up
"mum sucks, she is so over protective"
which makes me wonder ....is Angela really allowed to have hot pink streaks and catch the 5 o 'clock bus or is Angela on the phone to her mother having the same conversation? They think we are stupid!
Dealing with teenage girls is almost like a form of Chinese Torture. You live in fear of their moods, their fashion sense and their demands.
Speaking of fashion sense, flouro is back....yikes! Ebony bought a tshirt the other day emblazoned with flouro pink orange and green....hide before leg warmers resurface!
News in Brief.
1. Ella can say Mum Dad and Uh oh and can stand unassisted for a few minutes...I predict she will be walking around the time of her first birthday in a few weeks
2.Emily doesn't like Taneisha at Kindy because she said she wont be her friend anymore (more serious than it sounds, Haley has had to deal with the tears all week lol)
3.Joe has been told it will be at least another two months before he can start work because of complications with his broken foot....I will discretely invite them to tea several times a week so I know they are eating properly
4. We are having our water tank installed on Wednesday...they came and prepared the cracker dust base last week...Jodies cat thinks its a huge kitty litter tray and takes a dump in there several times a day (a job for Duane)
5. There is a 'Little People Big World' marathon on the Health Channel next week. I hope to catch up on all th eepisodes I missed.
Thats all for now , talk to you all again soon.
Bev, hope you are feeling better soon, it must be terrible for you!
I don't envy you with a teenage daughter, I'm just glad mine are all grown up!
My DD went to Canada on a working holiday and she worked as a waitress at some posh Lakes resort and the pay was about the same (very low) but they tip very well over there and that is how she made her money.
Gentle hugs to you.
Hope you're starting to feel better.
LOL at the fluro colours.... just wait until the bubble skirts and shoulder pads come back.
I had to laugh about Grandma staying else where, what a cracker, Renee at 14 is exactly the same. It's "Renee's World" around here, me, me me. They are so selfish LOL.
Still laughing about the ducks, my minds eye was working overtime, reading that part of your post.
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