I have to say I prefer fake trees to real ones for a couple of reasons..One is I put it up so early a real tree would be well and truly dead and brown before the time Christmas Day arrived...and the other reason is I am emotionally scarred by the real trees we had when I was a kid...My Dad used to bring home the sickest, most pathetic trees you could possibly imagine!!! They used to have stalls at the side of the road where you could buy a decent tree but he preferred to aquire (pinch) his own. Man, try making something look pretty when it only has three branches....cannot be done! Another thing I have a problem with is tinsel...just cant get my head around that stuff...no matter how creative I try to be, it always looks like it is strangling the tree...so I go for beads instead.
My Christmas shopping was done weeks ago but last night I took Ebony shopping so she could select her gifts....Love the way their minds work lol...She got her Dad got a Homer Simpson coffee cup with chocolates...Homer is Dads Hero!...Her friends got pooping penguins...little novelty lolly dispensers, and some undie shaped chocolates called Calvin Cleans...too funny...
Emily will be pleased with her Dora the Explorer singing crayons (Mum wont be!) and Ella got some cute little clothes.....She selected nice gifts for her sisters and other friends too along with very expensive wrapping paper...her fifty dollar budget soon blew out to $135 so I nervously handed over my store card fully expecting sirens to go off for being over my limit...thankfully I wasn't.
School holidays are almost upon us and already I am broke...I renewed Ebonys Dreamworld pass as she uses it several times a week during the holidays to go with her friends so its money well spent....no doubt I will be forking out money left ride and centre for trips to the movies and other assorted excursions so scrapping supplies will be few and far between!
Already I am dreading our annual trip to Victoria to visit Martins Mum and Brothers and sisters...Last year we flew but this year we will probably drive again as Martin likes to up and leave on the spur of the moment which you can't do when you have a plane ticket booked....The last car trip was a nightmare...Martin does all the driving as I am way too scary behind the wheel on unfamiliar roads..Eb started complaining not long after we got down the driveway and didnt stop till we drove up it again ten days later...it was freezing in Vic and I had no warm clothes and couldnt buy any as all the summer stock was out...We slept on a blow up air bed which was dead flat every morning and my sister in laws dog insisted on humping my leg at every opportunity....On the way down Martin got confused and was driving down the middle of a tram line, then we got lost and added a further three hours to an already too long trip.....holy crap, I so dont want to go, please dont make me go!
It is so quiet here now Haley and the girls have moved out..Her new home is lovely , a huge 4 bedroom with a massive lounge and family room, fully air conditioned , remote garage ..the works! Joe hasn't even seen it yet, he doesnt get back from the mines till the 18th December...Haley has slept on the floor next to Emilys bed every night as she is scared...poor thing I know what thats like...I laughed when I called around the other day, Emily said I could come in but I had to take off my shoes and I wasn't allowed to jump on the couch....Damn I was looking forward to that....she has already asked when she can come over for a sleepover...and they have only been gone four days!
Well that's about it for now, boring I know, I will try to do something exciting next week to make for an interesting post!
Oh Bev what a shame you're not allowed to jump in the couch!! Maybe you could try for the bed instead LOL. Driving on a tram line is not as bad as going round a roundabout the wrong way.
Sue W
at least you know your loved then if Emily has asked to come back so soon... :o)
Sorry about your unwanted trip coming up, maybe you could get dropped off at Jody's on the way?? lol
Your photos are beautiful, im looking forward to seeing them scrapped...
i love your song too...
Just jump on the couch Bev, you know you want to! lol.
as for the holiday. BUMMER, would be bad enough just staying with MIL but to have a flat bed too..typical ROFL..
Love your tree Bev!! I've been collecting pink decos for a couple of years so hope to maybe do the the "pink" tree next year. :-)
The piccies of the grandies are *beautiful*, they are going to look fabulous scrapped I know!!
Hugs about the trip down south...
Love, love, love your tree Bev. Ours still isn't up :( I can so relate to your story of real trees - my dad did the same thing :)
Cant wait to see the pics of Emily and Ella scrapped - they will be beautiful lo's.
Luv 'n hugs
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