Love this picture of my two angels though it took some doing getting a decent photo as Emily likes to pull stupid faces so I have dozens of those photos lol. Ebony is hanging out for her new ipod, its been nearly a month since her last one was stolen so I hope she is more careful with this one...I still cant get over the size of them... a lot smaller than the PYE radiogram I had as a kid! I remember stacking up four or five LP'S and watch them drop to the turntable and the arm slide over to start playing the tracks...a masterpiece of technology though you could hardly shove it in your pocket like they do these days.
I got a new car for Christmas as the head gasket blew on mine and no one could fix it before the New Year and the cost was outrageous for an 11 year old car. When I say new, its 3 years old but the newest one I have ever had so I am pretty chuffed with my XT BA falcon! Martin also gave me 200 dollars to go and buy myself some stuff so he could give it to Eb to wrap for under the tree (He's been working 14 hours a day 7 days a week and doesnt get time) I bought some new clothes and sunnies and a pair of thongs exactly the same as the ones I already have as they were the only ones I could find that fitted my stupid feet.
How are you all enjoying the Christmas holidays!!! The sleep ins are good but you need a money tree to keep teenagers amused. Eb has been to the movies a few times and shopping to spend the$50.00 her Uncle staurt gave her for Christmas. She came home and showed me the bikini top she got at City Beach for 48 bucks...she looked at me stupid when I asked her where the bottoms were (ok to fill you all in, you don't wear bikini bottoms, you wear shorts).....so nearly 50 bucks for HALF a bikini!!!!!!!! Yikes! It looks so tiny too, I remember the days when I could wear a bikini....wouldnt be seen dead in one now, not with the bulges, flabby overhang and cellulite. Now when I hop in the pool its shorts and a tshirt and even that looks gross when its wringing wet and sticking into all the crevices....Geez I have just put myself off my Christmas dinner!!!!
No doubt my New Years resolution will once again be to lose weight...I should take a leaf out of my sisters book...She got herself a personal trainer back in October and has gone from 138 kilos to 96 and is looking terrific...She hopes to get to her goal weight of 60 kilos so I hope she makes it.... I on the other hand am sitting here as I type eating chips...hopeless!
News in brief........
**My mother once again drove her motorised scooter up the street for her shopping (in downtown Toogoolawah) then forgot and caught a taxi home...The Co- op man kindly drove it back to her house
**My brother and his wife recently went into hospital to have their gastric lapbands loosened in readiness for their overseas trip (what the????)
**My middle daughter Jodie won a trophy for her car in a show and shine contest...and no its not a prize for the shiniest car (lol silly me)
**Haley turns 25 on the 30th December.....I gave her birthday money early so she could buy something for her new house.....she bought a mop and bucket, a jug, an ironing board, a toilet brush, a laundrey hamper, door mats and coat hangers??? However I personally don't think that's sad as it's the sorts of things I would buy lol
**Martin is not working for the next 4 days straight....he will be bored out of his brain and when he is bored he thinks of funny names to call me...I wont think they are funny...in fact I will think he's a dickhead
** I cleaned out my pantry and found a tin of curry powder that had an expiry date of 2000...and when I cleaned out the freezer I found Barbie and Ken (will interview Emily about that, I wouldnt be that stupid)
Ok folks, thats all ...have a Merry Christmas and stay safe!