Eight months since I updated???Who could ever be that busy!! I won't bother catching you up, it is all rather boring and depressing...a new year , a new start!
I will bring only news from this year and since its only the first month it won't take long...
- Thank heavens the weather has been fine for these school holidays, the pool is finally getting used...Haley brings the kids over a few days a week for a swim...Ella likes to wear her "gobbles" and do "bong dives". I head butted Emily in the pool a few weeks ago and knocked out her loose tooth...she was worried the tooth fairy wouldn't come through without the tooth as proof, so poor me spent an hour wearing MY "gobbles" looking for it in a pool..you have no idea how hard it is to find a tiny tooth when every pebble in your pool looks like one...but I found it!
I have a few jobs now which is bringing in some much needed extra dollars ...some of the jobs I like and some I really hate but that's life...The job I hate is cleaning...I do two houses a week for rellos and although I am not in a position to be picky I always thought I was above cleaning other peoples toilets...apparently not! So far I have broken a soap dish and came close to busting some fancy fangled new wave oven which luckliyI caught before I knocked it off the kitchen bench...My brother and his wife and shopping network junkies so there are always lots of gadgets at their place which they invite me to use...the latest is a machine youy stand on and it vibrates...the more you push the button the more violently it vibrates...and the longer you stay on it the more likely you are to spend the rest of the day walking around like you have hit the turps....
Another job I do for my brother and sister in law is work one day a week in their office..I suck at office work but the good thing is they suck at it too...I clean the office first and then do filing...they are the only people I know who have a whole file for traffic fines...which is full...if I am not sure where something should be filed they tell me to put it in miscellaneous....I need a whole filing cabinet for misc!! My sister in law usually rocks in around nine, paints her nails, puts ring tones onto her phone and eats donuts.....around 11 o clock she announces we have done enough and its time to go...I get paid 100 dollars for this back breaking yakka.
My next job is working at a golf club...My sister runs the bistro so she gets me in two days a week to be a waitress/kitchen hand/dishpig. Anyone who knows me well would be thinking how scary I would be as a waitress...and rightly so...my first day I lost two plates of sandwiches on the floor when I didn't negotiate a corner...also squirted coffee topping all over myself when making an iced coffee and last count I have dropped four cappacinos....I do however make lovely carrot curls on the carrot curling machine and I am very quick at unloading the dishwasher...which is probably what is saving my arse...all these jobs are a thousand times better than the job I did in November and lasted a whole two days.....the job description was
"how would you like to work with a team of friendly women in our exclusive and exciting salad packing business?" Hell yeah, I can just see me sitting on a little stool as little plastic tubs roll slowly by on a conveyor belt....me plopping a little bit of coleslaw in each tub, kidding around with the lady sitting next to me...so I applied and got the job....I don't know where the hell I got my idea of salad packing from but it was nothing like reality!!!!!!!! Six am start. Kitted out with a white lab coat, long white heavy vinyl apron, big gum boots, gloves, hair net, sleeve protectors, no jewellery, no makeup, three layers of clothing underneath...I was walked into a freezing cold room...and I mean polar ice cap....freeze the balls off a tennis court...I was introduced to Soon Yi and Mo Pong (not their real names but close enough!)who couldn't speak a word of bloody english who used gestures to indicate what I was supposed to be doing...which was grabbing between 24 and 28 grams of english spinach leaves out of a crate, weighing it and plopping into a punnet....you have no idea how hard it is to guess between 24 and 28 grams...and the whole time the supervisor is clapping her hands saying "come on ladies, chop chop"....I did this for nearly two hours when I was rescued (so I thought) to be put on crate packing...a long conveyor belt winds through the whole factory with thirty ladies packing an assortment of lettuce leaves into punnets and onto the belt....through a machine which packs in in plastic and it continues on its merry way and drops into a large tray...this is where I come in....my job is to pick up two packs at a time, pack them into a crate, 16 per crate, the writing all facing the one way, checking that the use by date is correct and that they are sealed properly.... ( the whole time my eyes are burning from bleach fumes ).... picking up the full crate running over to a pallet, stacking the crates 5 high in one direction, four high in the other direction on top of that, 150 crates in all, putting a description ticket on each crate, wheeling the full pallet into the next room, bringing back an empty pallet to start again....by which time the tray is over flowing with packets of lettuce which are spilling into the floor....OMG, HOLY FRIGGIN CRAP!! This was me for the next ten hours....and at the end of the day the boss says you did really well Bev, we normally have two people doing that job but one of the ladies is off sick....ONYA! The next day was a little easier but at the end of the day when we were hosing down the facory and scrubbing the floors I was overcome by the fumes...by the time I got home I had the worst head ache ever, my eyes were running non stop and I could barely breathe....I went to the docs the next day and he told me I had an allergic reaction to the cleaning products and I should consider leaving the job...HALLELLbloodyLUJAH!!!!!!!!! So the next time you are in the supermarket and you see punnets of lettuce leaves or spinach think of the poor bitches who work in that factory doing 12 hours shifts freezing their tits off....a footnote to this is I havnt been paid for the 2 x 12 days I worked because they are claiming your first two days are work experience....pigs arse, I will give them chop chop!! Stay tuned for that one!
Well that was rather ho hum...I will see what the next few weeks bring, maybe something more excting will happen!