I love listening to Martin talking on the phone, its like he is talking into one of those tin cans and string get ups you used to make when you were a kid...he yells as if that's the only way they can hear him...Ebony uses the no hands method strutting around the house with the cordless phone tucked into the crook of her neck talking to friends she was just on the bus with five minutes ago. I also am intrigued when the phone rings how we all sit there waiting for someone else to answer it...we all make a half hearted attempt to look as if you are about to get up but no one actually does until its too late and the caller gives up. Because Martin goes to bed so early, if we get any calls after 6 pm he always says...'Who the hell would be ringing at this time of night" lol. My absolute pet peeve is the automated responses you get when you ring a business...if your enquiry is regarding blah blah press 1...if your call is regarding blah blah press 2.... I can never take it all in and forget which option I am after and have to go back to the main menu and listen to it all again. Just today I had to call Austar regarding our pay tv account....voice responses this time...even worse.
"Please state what your enquiry is regarding"
"bill enquiry"
"bill enquiry, is this correct?"
"Are you after current balance, bill payment or other"
"I'm sorry, was that other?"
"please wait while we put you through to a customer service officer"
****interlude of other fabulous austar packages available ****(this goes on for a good five minutes!)
ring ring , ring ring, ring ring, ring ring, ring ring.....
" I'm sorry but we are currently experiencing heavier than normal phone traffic, please call again later"
Doesn't that just really pi** you off!!!!!!!!!!!
Actually doesn't the phone bill pi** you off even more...Anyone with a teenager in the house will know the shock of opening up a phone bill and seeing the monthly total...enough to feed a third world nation for a few weeks! Add to that the rates, the car rego, electricity bill and before you know it you are eating sausages and mince for weeks on end.
Anyway, enough of the whinging, this week we have had lots of lovely rain and with that the grass has gone green and grown much faster than usual...guess that means I will be mowing some time this week..Its a job I really love but it always comes with its trials and tribulations...Like how you are supposed to get that petrol into the tiny hole in the petrol tank....funnel I hear you say...keep forgetting to buy one of those.....so instead half of it ends up on the driveway (note to self, don't light cigarette). Then I have to remember if the lever on the handle is meant to be up or down when you pull the cord.....after twenty pulls you realise its obviously meant to be up....but by then you are so knackered you have to rest for 10 minutes before you try again...then its a matter of avoiding obstacles like clothes pegs, screwdrivers and my personal favourite, the neighbours dog's crap...if they are old and white it isn't an issue, it just goes up like a puff of smoke....but if you happen to hit a fresh one it gets REALLY ugly. Our front yard is a rather steep hill so going down is a breeze but pushing the mower back up is another matter entirely....you can feel it starting to slip backwards and all you can think of is how you would manage minus your feet. I hope I never find out!
Speaking of missing limbs lol, when Martins brother was in his twenties he lost his arm in a motorbike accident (30 years ago now) When he buys shirts or jumpers he cuts off one sleeve and sews up the opening. Last time we visited Victoria, Gordon gave Martin a bag full of jumpers and shirts. When Martin asked what the hell he was supposed to do with them, Gordon got quite shitty and said "well if you are going to be ungrateful I will give them to the op shop!" (not sure if they get much call for one armed jumpers either rofl)
As usual I have waffled on about nothing in particular once again, so until next time..