I have almost finished my Christmas shopping now, just a few secret santa's to go and I am done. So glad to be finished before the mad rush, I hate crowds. Most of the people I buy for are girls, so that's easy as I have had a bit of experience in that area but choosing a gift for my six year old great nephew had me perplexed let me tell you!! Very unfamiliar territory is the "boy aisle". I wandered up and down scratching my head looking at all the scary stuff on offer and not quite getting what half of the things even did.....none of them played pretty music, nothing was pastel coloured and I was getting more confused by the minute. I eventually settled on a Spiderman boogie board (I know he likes him!) and a very lethal looking huge water pistol with built in shield and sounds effects....I am sure his mother will love that lol.
Shopping for Ebony was a bit different this year, now she's a teenager she is passed all the cutie pie stuff she used to love. Got her a LCD TV for her room and bright orange Converse hightop boots....(very flash name for what we used to call gym boots that were a dime a dozen, but now they have become trendy you have to take out a second mortgage to afford them), some clothes that I had to let her pick and try on as my taste is apparently "gay" which is not good. Also some jewellery which I hope she doesn't manage to lose like she usually does and other assorted odds and ends.
Thought that was her done but last week she had her ipod stolen which is comparable to losing limb. The way she carried on you would have thought there had been a death in the family. She looks odd walking around with wires hanging out of her ears. For five days straight she has left for school in the morning and TIDIED HER ROOM before she left. I was most concerned as this is unheard of, she never ever does that, and especially without being nagged to do it...then the motive was revealled when she asked if she could earn money to save for a new ipod...aha, so that's why! I didn't dare tell her dear old Dad has already OK'ed a new one for Xmas in lime green....I am going to milk this cleaning the room bizzo for a while yet!
And speaking of dear old Dad, he bought her a new bed last week, a nice trendy wooden one with a pull out trundle for when her friends sleep over. I was happy to fnally saying goodbye to the daggy old bunk bed but when I realise the new bed came flat packed my excitement went out the window....we all know flat pack means you have to read instructions...men do not read instructions! Just as I thought he upended the three boxes mixing up all the screws and bits in one messy pile and then started with the cursing and hed scratching.....several hours later the bed was assembled but not without many swear words (some I had never heard of) and quite a few left over bits which he assures me are spares.
Almost time to drag out the Christmas tree...then it will be my turn to curse when it comes time to untangle the Christmas lights...or I could do what I did last year and just throw them out and buy new ones. I have to also confess that I let the kids decorate the tree , telling them what a great job they are doing...then when they are in bed, I redo it! Geez you dont hang the big balls at the top and the little ones at the bottom! And you dont put two red things together!!! Then I have to hang the tacky knitted angels at the back of tree...cant throw them away as Mum made them but crikey they are soooo ugly lol.
Right about now parents all around the world are milking the Santa thing for all it's worth. Haley had to make a call to Santa today as Emily was having "listening "issues. Em stood there wide eyed listening to the conversation. I think she was in shock that Mum was dobbing her in to the big fellar! When she got off the phone she told Em that Santa had said that if she didn't start listening and doing what she was told, he would have to move her onto the naughty page and the Whack A Mole game she wants so badly might have to go to someone who does listen to their Mum. Em nodded her head and said "ok Mum, do I have to start today?" lol too cute.
Ok that's about it from me, I have a pile of washing to fold....note I said fold, ironing doesn't happen around here!